37 - Girls

877 51 3

Chaeyoung's POV

Jungkook and I had been playing a tug of war with our feelings. Since the beginning, we were both indirectly and unintentionally showing how much we cared for each other but no one ever voiced it out until recently.

So I always had this fantasy that it will be like a magical moment when me and Jungkook began dating each other. I imagined angels singing a sappy love song in the background, bright and colorful fireworks lighting up the place, and getting lost in thought due to absolute happiness. But none of those happened after my man carelessly confirmed our relationship to a complete stranger. Honestly, I wished that he did it more romantically. But it's unfortunate that there's nothing I could do about it, everything that happened yesterday was all in the past now.

Though I could not deny the change between me and Jungkook after we became aware of and acknowledged our feelings for each other. Every little thing was labeled with love, his smile, his touch, his gentlemanly actions such as opening the car door for me, and his good night kiss on the top of my head. Everything he did made my heart flutter and I don't need to deny nor hide that anymore.

"Park?" Jungkook called, bringing me back to my senses. "Is everything alright? You've been quiet since we left the apartment."

Without tearing my gaze outside the window, I blushed and stifled a giggle.

"And don't you dare answer me that it's nothing." He said before I could even open my mouth to answer.

"It's nothing . . . you should worry about." I answered as I gently massaged his right hand that I selfishly trapped in between my hands.

"You're being extra touchy today." He commented.

"Well, aren't you lucky?" I responded in a teasing manner, looking at him from the side of my eye.

He responded by intertwining his right hand with my left hand. Then he brought my hand in front of his face and kissed the back of my hand.

"Yup, lucky is what I am." He whispered. "And I'll even be luckier if you go on a date with me tonight."

I bit the bottom of my lip, feeling guilty as I answered, "I would love to."

"Uh-oh, I'm hearing a but. What is it?"

"I promised the girls that I'll be hanging out with them tonight. And we talked about it a few weeks ago so I just can't bail out on them on a whim. Sorry!" I answered with a frown on my face. I felt bad refusing to go out with him when we just made our relationship official last night.

"How about lunch? I can . . ."

"As much as I'd love that, I don't want to tire you out by driving back and forth from my office to yours. And I'm fully aware that you're busy with work so please reserve some of your free time to get some rest." I interrupted what he was about to say, knowing that he was always willing to make an extra effort for us spend time together.

"But I don't really mind." He whined in frustration before adding, "Plus, you are my rest."

His answer touched my heart, making me want to wrap my arms around him as tightly as I could. But his whining like a baby made him too adorable that I ended up squishing his cheeks before I gave him his well-deserved tight hug.

"I meant rest as in, in reference to the dictionary, to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength . . ."

"Exactly, it perfectly describes what you are to me." He interjected.

"Yah! Stop that." I said while pressing my blushing cheeks on his chest.

"Why? I'm only being honest here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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