15 - Jeon

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Jungkook’s POV

Early morning the next day, I went to see Chaeyoung. I rang her doorbell a few times and waited for more than five minutes but still got no response from her. I dialled her number and she answered on the fourth ring.

“Hello.” I heard her spoke calmly on the other end of the line.

“Good morning, Park!” I excitedly answered. “Do you mind opening up for me? I woke up early today so I had time to cook for breakfast. And I wanted to invite you to have breakfast with me at my apartment. That is if you don’t mind. Or if you’re too lazy to walk, I can bring it over.”

“Jeon, I already left. I’m actually at the office right now. I had a lot of things to do today since I left early from work yesterday. So I’m, uh, quite busy.”

“Oh! Is that so?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, totally. I understand. I . . .”

“Sorry Jeon, I really need to go. Bye!”

With a disappointed smile on my lips, I walked back to my apartment.

It’s been three days since I last saw Chaeyoung. I was worried how busy she’d gotten these days. Though it sometimes felt that she was avoiding me when I started to notice her excuses sounding oddly consistent, “Sorry Jeon, I’m quite busy. Bye!”

Earlier today, I learned that Jaehyun was already discharged from the hospital so I decided to pay him a visit in his apartment. I was imagining the surprised look on his face as the elevator doors opened to the tenth floor. I was just about to press the doorbell when the door to Jaehyun’s apartment opened on its own. With a grin on my face, I eagerly waited for the door to fully open. But my excitement instantly disappeared the moment I saw who was standing before me.

Park Chaeyoung.

She was standing right in front of me with Jaehyun behind her. We all looked very surprised upon seeing each other. And we stood there in silence for about a minute or two until she spoke.

Jaehyun’s POV

The moment I saw Rose again, I was totally dumbstruck.

When I left Australia five years ago, I lost all hope of seeing her again. My parents promised to break off the arranged marriage they got me into if I made a deal with them. And that deal was to go back in Korea and completely forget the life I had in Australia, including Rose. So I left Australia without saying goodbye to anyone. But I had never forgotten Rose.

Even though Rose and I knew each other for only a short period of time, I treasured our every moment together.

I reached Australia a few hours ago, feeling anxious of my future here. Even before getting here, I successfully landed an internship in a newspaper organization. I applied for the job when I was still in Korea when I was already planning my great escape. But even when I got that covered, I still had a lot of worries in mind.

It was not exactly my first time living out of the country. My family used to live in the U.S. during my childhood days. However, this was my first time living by myself thousands of miles away from Korea. On top of that, I’ve never been to this country before and I didn’t have any relatives or friends living here.

Language was not a problem because I knew English well. But as I’m standing in the middle of the park, carefully observing the people walking past me, I felt lost. Initially, I planned on walking around the area where I live to familiarize myself with the establishments nearby.  But seeing unfamiliar places and people made me feel an unsettling kind of feeling.

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