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It has been a week of incessant arguing whilst putting up a front in school. I had never really known why Gerard hated me and yelled at me if we were around each other for longer than an hour, but his patience with me has seemed to wear thinner and thinner over the past few days.

I doodle a little rose around a heart in my note book, not paying attention to whatever it was that the substitute was saying because I was always good in english. Frank stabbed my leg with a pencil and I had to make up an excuse as to why I yelped. He tossed a note onto my desk.

I dare you to write Gee's name in it. You have to keep up appearances -xo Frnk

I scoff, writing Gerard's name into the once beautiful drawing that was now tarnished with his name. I shoot Frank a glare and he just smiles cheekily. My phone buzzes slightly, scaring the ever living shit out of me.

Frnk: y r u so mad
Frnk: I know u like him

I turn to him and stare daggers at him before typing out a message.

Me: I don't like him u fuck
Me: i just really want that $100
Me: if I actually liked him I wouldn't have waited till now to make a-

My phone gets snatched out of my hands and I look up to see the sub holding franks and I's  phones with a stern expression. "Why do you kids think that just because I'm a substitute that I don't deserve respect? Detention for the both of you, and the next person I catch on their phone i will not hesitate to call the principal!"

I shrink down in my seat, though I hear Frank snort and that wracks a giggle out of me. The sub looked so offended and upset that his face looked like it was about to explode. "I will be leaving a note for your teacher to let her know that you two will have detention for the next week. I hope you will learn your lessons."

I bite my tongue, seeing Frank do the same even though I felt like I was going to combust at any moment. The sub turns and heads to the desk, giving me time to turn to Frank and silently laugh at him mocking the sub. I get back to my doodling, not being concerned in the slightest by the pink slip that the sub slides on my desk.

The final bell rings and I head over to the detention room, meeting up with Ray and Frank half way through. "Ray you're the kindest person I know, how in the hell did you get detention?"

"An annoying girl kept pestering me to take a grape from her so I stuck it in my nose and sneezed it out at her."  I get the gross imagery stuck in my head and I let out and audible gag. Both the boys laugh at me and I simply wack the back of their heads as we headed into the room.

There was four other people in there: Gerard, some jock, and two prep girls gossiping. Frank nudges me, whispering "keep up appearances" and pointing at the seat next to Gerard. I sigh defeatedly and take the seat next to Gee. He rests his arm around my shoulders, opting to not speak to me or acknowledge me otherwise.

I pull out my notebook, deciding that if I was to finish it here then I could have more time to read comics later. "Hey sugar, mind doing mine for me?" Gerard had a devious look in his eyes, knowing I couldn't deny without looking suspicious. I sigh and snatch his homework, muttering curses just loud enough for only him to hear. He chuckles quietly, pulling the attention of the preps.

A few minutes go by and I can hear the two girls whispering to one another. "Do you think he beats her?"

"No, but I do think that they're probably kinky. Like into choking and stuff" the first girl snorts and looks back at me, shocked when we lock eyes. The second girl was still giggling until the first prep elbowed her and called attention to me, quickly shutting her up. Gee nudges me lightly whispering "you hear that? Apparently we're into choking" with a snort. I simply ignore him until detention is over.

I was over at the Ways house hold, I had brought some of my comic books over to share with them for a little while. Me and gerard were reading some DC comics while Mikey was currently enthralled with a night crawler comic he had picked out of the small pile I had brought over. Me and Gerard finish our comics at nearly the same time and ended up reaching for the same comic.

"This is my comic, you can read a different one" I stare at him dumbstruck, knowing I had brought this specific copy over today. "You're full of shit, I brought this over today and I want to read it, so hand it over!" I pull on the book, trying to be careful so as to not rip it. Gerard tugs on it, though he wasn't being so gentle.

I don't budge and he Yanks again. I let out a tiny squeal of terror as I see the book rip. Years prick my eyes as it was one of my favorites that reminded me of my dad, though I hadn't told Gerard. "That was my comic you asshole!! I will fucking kill you!"

I jump onto him and start to slam my fist down as hard as I could manage, no method to my movements. He tried to shove me off of him and in retaliation I gouged at his eyes with my small blunt nails. At this point I had tears dripping down my face. I didn't think something like this would hurt that bad.

Mikey tugs me off of Gerard, keeping a firm grip on my arms. "Hey asshole, you have to buy her a new book now. Yours is still on the shelf dipshit." He looked almost apologetic before the pain I had enforced upon him hit him like a truck. He clutched his head, feeling the blood that dropped from various places.

"Don't bother. That was special due to sentimental value, not the physical appearance of the book." I stand there, trying to calm down and hope that he wouldn't beat the shit out of me. He swipes the blood out from under his nose and sits there for a second.

"What kind of sentimental value?" He places the pieces of the book together and hands them to me. "It reminded me of my dad" I mutter bashfully, rubbing my arm and looking away. The Ways let out audible "oh"'s and Mikey kicked Gerard in the shin,the latter letting out a squeal.

"Oh God, I am so fucking sorry" Gerard enclasps me in a comforting hug which I just melt into. He may be an asshole but he gave the best hugs. I dropped my head on his shoulder, trying to calm myself down. I know that the boys were aware of how sore of a subject my dad was for me. They had even been there when I got the news of my dad passing.

I lean back out of the hug, picking up the torn Deadpool comic. We continue listening to the misfits and reading until Donna called us down for dinner.

Sorry for being gone for so long, I tried to kill myself a couple times so I haven't really had time for writing but now that I take like 9 fuckin pills a day I seem a little more stable. Have fun with this chapter I might be updating some of my other stories and be getting more on track with posting

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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