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Edited 12/12/20

"Hey Jack-ass! Give that back!" I hollered at Gerard, who was currently laughing his ass of by the fact that I cant reach my beanie off of his head because I'm only 5'2. Asshole.
"Whatcha gunna do about it huh?" He said with a sarcastic ass smirk, waving my beanie tauntingly.

"This" I said, kicking him in the nuts, if he wants a fight, he'll get one. "SHIT!" He screeched, toppling into a fetal position. I lean over to snear in his face, though I can't help myself from laughing. "That's what you get for being a douche dude! See you at lunch!" I snatch up my beanie and scurry off to my next class, just barely getting through the door before the bell rang.

~Gee's POV~

I writhe in agony, clutching my poor groin. She's lucky that my mom would kick my ass through the seventh gate of hell if I were to leave so much as a bruise on her. Plus she's hot. Not that I would do anything with that but it is a plus to stare at her tits or ass whenever given the opportunity, such as now. She's the one who kicked me in the balls so it's only fair for me to stare at her ass. I slowly get up, I was already late for second period so I decided to take my time. Damn did she have a hard ass kick.


"Hey! what's got your panties in a pinch!" Frank said, looking like he was about to lose his shit. Gerard looked like he was about to beat Frank until he was silent. "I hope that you realize there's no toilet paper in the entire house after you have exsplosive diarrhea." Frank's jaw drops and everyone cracks up.

"But like seriously, what're you upset about?"

"He's upset because everyone saw y/n kick him in the balls" Mikey buds in, dropping his lunch tray onto the table and popping a unsalted, oddly rubbery potato wedge in his mouth.

"Shut the hell up Mikes." Gerard punches Mikey in the shoulder and steals a wedge off his tray.

"Hey y/n! Can I have your milk?" Y/n snorts and tosses it over to Frank, plopping down on her seat.

"Since when the fuck did you get our lunch period?" Instead of answering me, she hands me her schedule. "You can get double band? Lucky bitch." She laughs and explains that she finished drivers Ed so she had a class open.

"Not that you'd be able to dipshit, you've failed drivers Ed four times!" She snorts poking fun at my horrible driving skills.

"Wait! You got your license?! Congratulations dude!" Ray pats her on the back. "I hope you know that you're now the designated driver for the group. My reign of being the most important person in the group is short lived!"


"Aww don't say that Ray, just because I have my license doesn't mean I'll willingly let all these dipshits have access to my truck 24/7." I pat Ray's hair, enjoying they way it bounced back up.

"Ooh, what's your car look like?" I pull up a picture of my new truck and show it to Frank proudly, and though it looks like frankenstein's monster from a junk yard, I absolutely adored it.

"Her name is Francine."


Near the end of my 6th period my phone went off, catching the attention of my English teacher. Thankfully he was very kind and didn't really mind when people had their phones out. I check and see it's from Frank in the group chat.

FrOnKie OrEo: wanna skip the rest of the day losers? I've got Ray and Mikey

Me: there's like 10 min left of class??

FrOnKie OrEo: stop bein a bitch

FrOnKie OrEo: join us

Gee The Trap: we're in the middle of smthin, me and y/n will skip after this class

FrOiNKie OrEo: meet us at the tree then pussies

I look over at Gerard and see him stick his tongue out childishly, no doubt that it was ment for Frank. The bell finally rings and me and Gerard walk casually out of the school, heading to our tree a few houses down.

The tree was a tree house that was in the middle of the woods. It used to be a place where I would run away to, to make everything feel small, stable and safe. It was decrepit and aboandoned whenever I first found it, so I made it my own little space. It became the groups hang out spot, and it also marked the first time I met Frank and Ray.

My mom had asked Gerard and Mikey to find me because I had wondered off into the woods but it was starting to get dark out and hadn't come back like I normally did. It just so happened that they had their friends over who were willing to help in the search.

It was ray who had found me crying and he just hugged me. I was upset because I had absolutely bombed a test and was horrified at how disipointed my mom would be. When I explained that to him, he just comforted me. He calmed me down and called all of the guys up into the tree house. Frank had tried to convince me that it wasn't that bad of a grade and made a bunch of jokes to cheer me up. Ever since then Frank and Ray have been my friends.

Me and Gerard were walking side-by-side arguing about what flavor of ice cream is better. "Vanilla is so fucking boring, apparently you got the name AND taste buds of an old man!"

"Whatever bitch, vanilla is the best and no one can tell me any different. And if so, It just means I'm classic!" He flips his hair and I can't help but scoff. We argue over who was going to go up the ladder first, ending in him going in front of me so that I can "gawk at his nice ass".

The gang passed around a blunt or two and started playing truth or dare. Eventually me and gerard had gotten into an argument with one another so the guys dared us to pretend to be in a relationship with one another and the person to catch feelings first would have to pay the other a crisp $100 bill.


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