Chapter 6 (Rewrite)

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"How much further?" Sam complained. They'd been walking for the past, well, what felt like forever but was only fifteen minutes. Somehow, they'd made their way a couple of miles outside town and through a forest. Freddie had said that he spent the majority of his junior high there when he wasn't doing something iCarly related, but he stopped going there recently for some unknown reason.

Freddie smiled, rolling his eyes. "It's only up here—" A finger slammed its way onto his lips, shushing him.

"Can you hear that? Isn't that water?" Sam ran ahead of him, trying to find out where the sound was coming from. It was a loud but calming sound – like rain hitting against the window but more flowing. Then, as she peered out from behind the gathering of trees, she discovered a clearing with the most beautiful of waterfalls. She didn't even know they existed around here. They were somewhere to the side of the woods where they went looking for Bigfoot that one time with Carly and Spencer.

Freddie walked up behind her. "Magnificent, right?"

"How did you find this place?"

The ground was smooth with no inconsistencies of uneven ground or gatherings of rocks – it looked like it was tended to well. Water collided into the crystal blue water beneath it, collecting into a pool like dip, surrounded by a border of hard stones. A set of wooden steps led out to the opening of the pool, along with a small platform at the top. The water falling from the rocks crashed against the water below, rolling down the rocks and making a crash when it hit the water level. There was only a wall of rocks and ground ahead of them, a stream running above it and being the cause of the waterfall.

"I've gone exploring by myself ever since my mother let me out of her sight for longer than five minutes," Freddie grinned. " like it?"

"Yes," Sam said simply, eyes big. She then proceeded on kicking her shoes off and throwing her jacket on the ground with them.

Freddie stared at her. "W-What are you doing?"

"Um, getting undressed," Sam shrugged. "What does it look like?"

"Uh, why?"

"Waterfall, water, swimming, do you understand?" Sam laughed, ruffling his hair with her hand, as she pulled her shirt off. Stepping out of her sweatpants, she ran towards the steps in only her underwear and bra. Freddie couldn't help but stand and watch, unsure whether to join her - but he didn't exactly just want to stand there, watch and seem creepy. Having a bit of fun couldn't hurt, right? "Are you coming?" she yelled back to him.

He nodded, quickly undressing too and running towards the water. Sam stepped in first, hissing at the cold water contact, before she soon got used to it and swam around a bit. She felt freed by the feeling and the fun of what they were doing, smiling to herself. "Is it cold?" Freddie asked, reminding her that he was there.

She looked at him. Even in the darkness, she could still make out his faint figure and the muscles that came with him. "Uh, yeah."

"Wipe your drool," he grinned, stepping in. She glared, laughing. "Oh my god, it's cold."

"I did warn you," Sam pointed out, swimming backwards to allow him some breathing room. The two spent a while swimming around, smiling and laughing with each other. "Have you spoken to Carly since she left?"

"Once, yeah," Freddie said. "She texted me when she got there. I heard Spencer's new place in Malibu is nice though – four stories, five bedrooms – he said we should go out there for Thanksgiving."

"What about your mum?"

"Ah, that's a point. I can't even think of leaving her alone and moving states away from her right now."

Sam came closer and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, trying not to catch him off guard with the contact. She wasn't sure if she had the right to touch him in such a way anymore, but even though they weren't together anymore, he still meant everything to her and was the only person she felt comfortable enough to touch and show affection to. "Let's not think about that right now. You have a few days before you have to make a decision."


"Okay," Sam repeated with a smile. "Now, let's enjoy this freezing cold water."

Freddie chuckled, leaning over to give her a forehead kiss before he pulled away and swam towards the waterfall. Sam followed with anticipation, excited at the continuous running water washing over her hair. She joined him directly under the water with a grin. "Isn't this so nice?" Along with the cold breeze brushing against their faces, it was refreshing with the water flowing over them. Especially at night.

The blonde didn't reply. Instead, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the refreshing feeling passing over her. Being with Freddie in the dark like this was weird, but not in the bad way. The fact he had never showed anyone this place before, but chose to show Sam, well, it meant a lot to her.

A few minutes later, the two found themselves still under the water and slowly moving closer to each other so their lips were only inches apart. However, they didn't kiss – they didn't dare. Because if they did, well, things would get more complicated. In a few days, Freddie would be moving to the other side of the country, and that was what caused the problem in the first place. They were in a much better place now as friends.

"It's getting late," Freddie said to her. "I still need to visit my mum."

"Yeah, of course," Sam nodded, watching as Freddie stepped out, dripping wet. Then she got out too, making her way back over to their clothing and stepping into it. "It's cold." He threw her his hoodie at her, to which she smiled and quickly pulled it on over her clothes. They made their way to the car, Sam leaning against the window as Freddie drove them to the hospital. The car was quiet; they didn't say much to each other but instead basked in each others' company. "Freddie?" Sam whispered to him.

"Yes, Sammy?"

"We have to have a serious talk later." Freddie just nodded. It was time they both talked. Properly.

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