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"Has anyone seen Sam?" The brunette asked, concerned that something had happened to her best friend. Freddie had locked himself in his room (on purpose) so he didn't have to speak or see anyone. Sam was being distant; no one had heard from her since Sunday. Her sister, Melanie, was tempted to get on a plane home when Carly told her that Sam wouldn't speak to anyone or even be near someone. Everyone knew her mother wasn't at all caring so she couldn't really help cheer her daughter up.

Carly carried on walking down the school hallway. Her and Sam's lockers looked so bare without the spirit of her friends present. The pressure of not knowing where her best friends were was getting to her.


"Spencer, I'm home..." She mumbled, walking through her apartment door.

"Hey, kiddo. Heard from Sam and Freddie yet?" Spencer asked, painting a statue of what looked like a dolphin.

"Nah, have you?"

"No, unfortunately not. You've been to Sam's house, right?"

"Yeah, I went yesterday, before and after school."

"You're worried, aren't you?"

"You have too many questions! And, yes, I am worried! They are my friends! I am terrified about what has happened. I'm gonna go to the Groovy Smoothie. You want a smoothie? Sorry, too late, I'm off. See you later..." She said very quickly as she ran out the apartment door.

"Yeah, I would love a smoothie..." He muttered as he continued painting the dolphin.



The lazy blonde dragged herself out of the lounge and into the kitchen. Her eyes all red and swollen from crying, with very flushed cheeks. She couldn't admit what had happened to herself. Why was she so desperate to forget this? Her hand reached out for her phone on the kitchen side. The only person who she could talk to was Carly but she would probably make a big fuss about her not being in school for two days.

As she threw on an extra jumper, she hopped into her boots and went towards the front door. She got on her knees and started crawling around, looking for a very special piece of jewelery. No gold caught her eye and that got her worried.

The clock ticked nine. She had managed to memorise Freddie's mother's work schedule; she needed to know when her and Freddork could arrange dates and movie nights or just dinner. Sam knew Crazy worked nine till five, so she swiftly got to her feet and walked out the door, off to the Bushwell...

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