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Having the feeling of not being able to move was the worst kind of feeling in this whole wide world and that is what you were feeling right now. You could not even move an inch when you heard noise in the background. Someone or something was definitely groaning and was trying to drag itself on the road trying to go in God knows what direction. Little did you know that the destination was you.

You slowly turned around muttering prayers in your heart but the nature always has its tentacles towards you. Your eyes landed on the walker that was trying its best to approach you. Before you could run or do something else, it jumped and latched itself on to you.

In less than a second, it toppled over you as you fell on the ground. Your hands immediately shot out to wrap around it's neck to stop it from coming forward and bite you. It was continuously trying its best to bite your neck and kept producing weird noises; obviously it'd make weird noises because you were literally choking it.

You mustered all your strength and pushed it off yourself to the left side of the street; it fell face first into the ground. You wanted to run but something else took over you; you reached for your sock and pulled out a sharp shattered piece of mirror.

You got up and lunged towards the walker which was trying to get up. Before it could react or do something you stabbed the piece of mirror right between its brows startling your own-self for a while.

You just killed it; you just killed a living creature, well not a living one but you killed it. You never thought you would have blood on your hands but you had to save yourself and this monster deserved to be killed for ruining everything.

It's been an hour since yoi came out here. You wanted to go home after the not-so-lovely meeting with that half-paralyzed monster but you didn't come out here for nothing. You crossed a ruined gate of the B-block of the colony you were living in.

You came in front of a bridge that was built over the river that was passing in the middle of the city. The bridge connected all the blocks to the main market of this colony and that was where you had to go.

You took a deep breath as you placed your right foot on the bridge, checking if it's strong enough to walk on; with another deep breath in, you started walking on the bridge while grabbing onto the grills that were only displayed on the right side of the bridge.

The bridge was quite wobbly and it made your legs quiver in fear of it collapsing right in the river. After a dreadful journey on the bridge, you finally reached the other side of it being faced with a destructed gate of the market.

You walked through the shops and malls which were completely ruined until you reached a specific convenience store which wasn't in much ruins like the other shops.

You grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it-no effect, you pushed it-still no effect. Why is everything in this world against me? Even the doors are now acting up to become my enemy. Your eyes landed on the shelves inside the convenience store and you saw some ramyun which your father used to love; your heart ached at the thought of him.

You don't even know if he's dead or alive. You looked around as the rays of the sun directly hit your eyes blinding you for a moment. You covered your eyes with your hand and proceeded to look around for something to break the store's window when your eyes fell on a large rock.

You walked towards it as your heart and brain fought inside of you. Your brain was telling youbto go for it while your heart told you not to since it would cause so much noise and could result in you getting eaten by those walkers.

You knew it was a stupid decision but you weren't concerned about your life or readers because this was a part of the script-Anyways you decided to listen to your brain this once and picked up the rock; with all the strength you could muster, you threw it towards the window shattering the glass into million pieces.

Your child-self jumped in joy at your success but it didn't last long as you saw multiple figures emerging from the streets of the market. Your heart was caught in your throat as you saw several bodies emerge in front of your eyes trying to get to you.

You picked up your pace as you started running in the opposite direction of the market leaving behind the colony you were living in not wondering how you would come back but you couldn't stay there.

There were so many zombies, you couldn't kill them all. You kept running until you felt the walkers being left behind. You had been running for 15 minutes straight allowing more zombies to add up to the ones who were already behind you but thankfully you lost them.

You tried to figure out where you were as realization dawned onto you. You were in the F-block, the block where your father's office was situated in. You felt a heavy weight on your heart as you heard a voice telling you to go there.

Maybe dad's still there?

Maybe he's hiding, just like I am.

Maybe he's alive!

Everything compressed into a ball of fire that hit your heart causing you to move into the direction of your father's office. You arrived shortly after 5 minutes. Unlike last time you saw it, it was completely ruined. 'Stop Y/n' a voice said in your head but you were too stubborn to listen to it. 'Lee Y/n, don't be stupid' the voice said again but you had already entered the building.

You walked towards the stairs, as you were about to step on you heard some noise in the basement of the building and you didn't think it was a walker. You looked down towards the direction of the stairs that were leading down stairs. You bit your bottom lip as you stepped down into the basement.

Ypu walked through the basement as you heard continuous shuffling from one of the rooms. You walked towards the door and peeked inside but no one was there. You walked inside the room when you saw something hiding in the corner. You approached it to take a closer look at it.

It was a dog.

And it was scared, you reached out and gently patted its head. It came out of the shadows but instead of staying, it ran away outside the room. You tried following it but your way was blocked by-

The Undead...

Your heart stopped beating as it walked towards you. You shouldn't have come down here, you shouldn't have come in too deep. Younmoved back automatically which caused you to trip over a fallen chair. You fell on the ground as you saw the zombie approach you hurriedly making you see the end of your life.

You closed your eyes, ready to accept your fate when you heard a loud screeching from the direction of the zombie. You looked at it and saw an iron rod sticking right out of its head.

The zombie fell on the ground sideways making a thudding noise. Your eyes automatically fell on the three figures who might be responsible for inserting the rod into the zombie's head. You looked at those figures-

There standing were three men looking at you with a tiring look on their faces.

They looked right at you with piercing eyes.

They saved me.

They were my saviors.

~To Be Continued~








-A/N: Here you go the second chapter.

Let me know in the comments of what you think about the story. Suggestion and ideas for the story are most welcome but in personal chat.

I'm not quite satisfied with the story's cover so let me know what you think of it.

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