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and tell me some things last
and tell me some things last


overwhelming excitement took over dreams body as he sat down in his gaming chair. one, of his three monitors had discord open and neatly displayed for him. the dark grey color barely lit up his room as he opened his dms with george.

a sour smile took over dreams face. it wouldn't have been such a pity look if it wasn't for the messages. you would expect them to be happy, long, and conversation worthy. but, the tone george had picked up lately, definitely had dream confused.

the texts were short and to the point. some were one words answers, others one letter answers. dreams wholehearted sentences and replies looked pathetic combatting his boyfriends.

dream dragged his mouse over his GALAXY MOUSE PAD, and clicked on the text box. his fingers danced over all the keys as he asked george to voice call.

hey wanna vc?

dream texted as he sat back in his chair and rested his arms over his head. that once happy, bubbly feeling fizzled away as he knew that he would get a half assed response.

one sec

george replied in a surprising amount of
time. lately, dream would wait a few minutes but those minutes turned to hours as he desperately went on with his day. no reply from george was very rare, but now it was becoming normal. (or normal for one of them)

okay tell me when :)

dream typed back hoping his excited tone could still seep through his words. he watched the screen as a little bar showed up, indicating george was typing. but that bar disappeared and turned to a light grey call box in the corner of the screen. two big buttons were displayed, and obviously the green button was clicked.

"hey george." dream said, adjusting his headset and pulling the mic closer to his face.


"well uh- oh, i was getting into this new game, fallout four. it's so cool you can.. like.." dream trailed off of his words as he stared at the blank face before him. george sat in his chair as if he saw a ghost, his hair was messed up, and he wore a loose t-shirt. it looked like he hadn't showered in days. his tone paired with this look, didn't add up well.

"what- what have you been doing?" the blond added on with his voice laced with pure curiosity, and maybe a bit of worry.

"nothing, really. maybe editing here and there but, nothing exciting."

the tone was harsh, cold. it seemed like he was uninterested in this conversation- and quite frankly, uninterested in dream.

"you don't seem too well. i can go if this is a bad time." dream said already dragging his mouse over to the red button just under georges face cam.

the brunette let out a long sigh. he brought his lanky hand over his eyes and rubbed them, hard. his body seemed to go limp.

"listen, dream. it's a bad time, yeah. but, it's always a bad time."

georges words swam through dreams ears. they bounced around his head and dug themselves into his cortex. the phrase was vague but, serious enough to understand.

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