The Truth

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I couldn't sleep. How could I. MJ had found out my secret. Something I hid for the safety of my family. The Avengers may not be my actual family but I consider them as it.

Nat and Wanda taught me and raised me like they were my mum. At this point they were. I loved them more than anything and will forever be thankful for them 

Bucky and Steve were my overprotective Uncles. I can remember when I first got my heart broken a year ago and they tried to kill him. Luckily we have a Wanda. She wiped the Guys mind so he didn't tell everyone who I was.

Thor and Loki were the fun uncles. They always took me places. The only downfall was that I had to wear a mask so no one found out who I was. Kind of like Spider-Man I guess. Loki once bought me a snake. Safe to say my dad was not happy. I kept her though. She's called Lily after the flower.

Clint and Hulk were the teacher Uncles. They taught me physics and how to shoot bows and arrows. I once nearly shot Natasha. She caught it though and I was only 5 so you can't blame me.

Then there was my Dad. The one and only Tony Stark. Well I don't know what to say. He taught me how to walk, talk and fight back to anyone who was rude or forcing me to do anything. He may be the worlds superhero but before any of the fame or anything he was my superhero.

Anyway back to the point. What was I going to do. 


"Yes." Nat and Wanda replied in sink 

I looked around to make sure it was just us 3 in the room.

"So someone at school knows I'm Tony Starks daughter and I don't know how I didn't tell anyone"


Oh no.

It was my dad. Of course Jarvis she's told to report any serious talks to him. 

"HOW ARE YOU SO STUPID Y/N" he continued to shout and shout


Tears started to fall as my eyes went Glossy.


"No dad, it's clear you don't want me."

"Tony that was harsh" I heard Loki say

Loki and Bucky came over and took me to my room

"You ok doll"

Now that sounds weird but it's something Buck always called me

"No he told me he wish he never had me because I just ruin his reputation"

"Wow that was harsh"

"I know buck I know, I love you guys so so so much but can I please be on my own for a little"

"Of course "

They left and I just sat in silence. What do I do. The only person I could think to talk to was my dad. I wasn't going to though. 

That's when I heard it a voice. It sounded like I knew it. Peter? I walked out to get a drink. My eyes we red and puffy my hands were shaking and tears had stained my cheeks. Then I saw him. Peter Parker stood talking to my dad.

"Y/n is that you, what's wrong it looks like you have been crying."

"Nothing is wrong with her  kid, she's just being dramatic." my dad answered for me.

"Y/n can I talk to you" Peter said in a worried voice.

I just nodded and signed for him to follow me because if I spoke I knew my voice would break.

We walked to my room and as soon as the door closed I started crying again. Peter walked over and just hugged me. He walked over to the bed with me and we sat down as I just cried on his shoulder. After 10 minuets I fell asleep.


She was asleep. She looked beautiful. I laied her down and covered her with the quilt and went to walk out when I heard a soft voice.

"No stay."

So that's what I did. I climbed back into the bed and cuddled with Y/n playing with her hair until she fell asleep. 5 minuets later I also fell asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS IS WHAT YOU LOOKED LIKE-

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