17. Hold My Hand

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I still can't believe that Suzy is now my girlfriend. She calls me baby now and that makes me very happy.

I know... I know I am whipped, you don't have to tell me.

I'm so in love with her.

They say, love is sacrifice. I didn't know about that until I met her.

I am more than willing to do little sacrifices for her.

Just like what I'm doing right now. We started dating a week ago and guess what? After that night, she told me that she won't see me for a while... until the end of our midterm exams. Funny, right? We just started dating and I haven't seen her for a week now. She said she wants to focus on her exams since it's her last year in college. I am not complaining though. Like what I have said earlier, I am more than willing to do little sacrifices for her. I will support her in every little way that I can do. She apologized for it many times, but I understand her and it's not a problem at all. Besides, I am busy with basketball and exams as well.

She still texts me every morning and every night. At least I'm the first person she thinks about when she wakes up, and the last person that she thinks about when she goes to bed and that's more than enough.

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I know it's kind of selfish to ask that from Joo Hyuk, but I really need to focus on my exams. It's my last year and I need to maintain my grades to graduate with good grades. I want my Mom and my sister to be proud of me. I honestly feel bad of this set up, I'm just glad that Joo Hyuk is very understanding and very supportive. I am truly grateful.

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