King of the Jungle

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Diddy Kong jumped from tree to tree. The poor little monkey has been feverishly looking for his uncle Donkey Kong. He didn't know exactly where he was heading but the sounds of his uncle's traditional bongos grew larger and larger with every tree he leaped from. 

"I gotta tell Donkey about the ship!"  Diddy has been worried for the past hour. One minute he's on the beach with Dixie collecting shells the next he's jumping from tree to tree trying to warn his uncle about the hasty looking ship that has washed up on shore. 


Down in Jungle Japes you can see trees of many different shapes and sizes. The jungle during the day is vibrant and peaceful. Neckies could be seen flying in flocks in front of the sun. Barrels were piled on one another. Metal barrels, wooden barrels, explosive barrels were everywhere; all thanks to one particular Kong. Funky Kong. The aroma of bananas and coconuts filled the environment. Jungle Japes was filled with fruit. Just a couple of feet away from the busy-barrel filled jungle was a rapid river. Always flowing. It's powerful currents can easily take any animal big or small with it and alongside it multiple primates and other mammals gather around at sunset to listen to the king of the jungle play his traditional bongos. And today was more lively than others.

Elephants raised their trunks with pride, frogs were ribbiting with the beat,  parrots flying around the bongo playing gorilla and ostriches were flapping their wings. Every animal big and small were cheering on the King. The cheers further motivated the primate to play his heart out. The other monkeys observing the gorilla were clapping. While the other animals were stomping to the rhythm. It was a party like no other, every animal joined in unison to celebrate. Other primates accompanied the King, playing bongos of their own, following the beat. Orangutans provided backup beats, while baboons played their xylophone made out of bamboo and twigs. 

Just over the distance in one particular palm tree stood Diddy Kong. Examining the scene frustrated that at a serious time like this the animals always find an excuse to party.  Diddy grabbed on a sturdy vine and swung back and forth to gain momentum. After a minute he released his grip and flew over multiple trees, winding brushing on his hairy face, he landed directly in front of his uncle Donkey Kong.

Donkey Kong stood up on all fours. His knuckles cementing itself onto the smooth jungle dirt. There he was, the mighty Donkey Kong stared at his nephew with anger. How dare the small monkey interrupt the party?

Diddy Kong grunted and made several squeaks. Multiple animals surrounding them looked at Diddy Kong puzzled. They didn't understand Diddy's form of communication. Donkey Kong however did.

"Donkey." the anxious monkey said. "Something bad happened. A big wooden boat! I saw a big wooden boat!" 

Donkey tilted his head. He grunted.

"Diddy. Diddy must be scared. Diddy is being scared." the gorilla attempted to say.

"No Donkey! I'm not scared! There's a boat! A big boat at the beach." 

Diddy wrapped his tiny hands around Donkey Kong's bicep and tried to tug his uncle to the beach. The animals laughed and so did his uncle. 

Donkey Kong raised his arm. He locked eyes with his nephew who was just dangling off of his Uncle's bicep. He grabbed Diddy's head and removed the primate off his arm and placed him gently on the ground.

"Ooh ooh!" Donkey Kong exclaimed. "Okay Diddy! Donkey will go to beach and see the boat!" Donkey Kong q]cued the other animals to leave. The party was unfortunately over. The animals groaned some even glared at Diddy with anger and annoyance. The little monkey was notorious for ruining the fun. One particular baboon smacked it's bright red gluteus maximus. Diddy Kong sighed as he saw every animal walk away. 

Donkey Kong stood beside Diddy Kong, putting his tree trunk size hand on Diddy's shoulder.

"Don't be sad Diddy. Donkey Kong is here for you. Donkey Kong will always be here for you." Donkey gave a smile.

Diddy Kong looked down. "Thanks Donkey, You're the only one I-" Diddy Kong felt his shoulder become lighter. He noticed that his uncle was gone. he turned around and saw Donkey Kong walk to Kong Jungle where his Tree House was located. "Could count on."  


The two got to Donkey Kong's tree house. Diddy waited for his uncle outside. 

"Donkey, what's taking so long?" Diddy laid down on the wooden porch his uncle made.

"Donkey needs to get dressed! Donkey needs to look strong!" Donkey Kong's voice could be heard from the bamboo walls. 

Diddy Kong was frustrated, his uncle always took forever to get ready, no matter the circumstance. Diddy Kong took out a ripe banana from his book bag and unpeeled it. Once he finished Donkey Kong swung the door open knocking Diddy Kong off the porch. 

"Diddy? Diddy? Donkey can't find Diddy." Donkey Kong looked down and noticed a lonesome banana on the wooden porch. The big ape devoured the banana in one big gulp; peel and all. Donkey Kong looked down to the ground and saw Diddy's head buried in the ground.

"HELP!" Diddy Kong muffled.

Donkey Kong jumped down, making the area around them shake. "Diddy! You can't nap here! Donkey and Diddy must go!" Donkey Kong grabbed Diddy by the tailed and pulled him up. He later tossed Diddy to the ground.

Diddy Kong got up, shook the dirt off of him and spat out the dirt that was in his mouth. He noticed that his uncle just changed his tie for a brighter red one. Diddy Kong basically waited thirty minutes for his uncle to wear a more vibrant tie. 

"Come on Diddy!" Donkey Kong patted Diddy on the back with great force, making Diddy Kong fall to the ground again. Donkey Kong sprinted off to the beach without looking back.

Diddy Kong got up. Spat out more dirt and followed his big brute of an uncle. 

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