Kremling Krew

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 "Move it! Move it!" a large crocodile pirate yelled out. "Lift with your backs you morons!" The large crocodile was the leader of the Kremling Krew, he wore a large red cape a pirate's cap and had a noticeably large irritated red eye. His name was King K. Rool and he marched down the side of his pirate ship. 

"Boss, I'm afraid that Kannon isn't looking so hot." a blue-buffed crocodile said putting down a large wooden crate.

"Listen Krusha, I don't care if Kannon-" King K. Rool was interrupted by the sounds of Kannon puking.

"Sorry Boss! I get sea sick easily." Kannon then lied down next to his crate. "I'll be here if anyone needs me."

King K. Rool facepalmed. He snapped his fingers and here came a buff Kremling with a club with admittedly a small head compared to his body.

"Klubba!" King K. Rool was getting impatient by how slow this Kremling was walking.

"Yes boss?" Klubba asked.

"I need you to carry this thing over there. We need to blow this place to smithereens."  

"On it boss." Klubba lifted the explosive crate and trudged away.

The beach was invaded by Kremlings, big and small and with a variety of colors. However the brighter their scales were the dumber they got. Kannon for example is a bright pink croc however he's as smart as a brick. Large Kremlings like Klubba were unpacking and moving the large crates out of the ship while the others were simply placing them in their right position. Donkey Kong's infamous beach was now being overrun by Kremlings however above the beach was a cliffside and standing along the edge were Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong.

"That's them. Those critters came in groups." Diddy Kong pointed out. Too bad his uncle was focused on something else entirely.   

"Come on Kritters!" King K. Rool shouted out. "We gotta move these stupid bananas."

Green Kremlings were pushing wagons of filled with bananas. Some were even eating some bananas. Donkey Kong's bananas to be specific.

Donkey Kong was infuriated. Steam was coming out of his nostrils. He gritted his teeth and balled his fists.

"Donkey Kong will teach alligators a lesson!" Donkey Kong then swan dived off of the cliffside.

"Donkey wait!" Diddy called out but it was too late. His uncle was already half way down the fall. Diddy had no choice but to follow his uncle. Even though Donkey Kong is an idiot Diddy couldn't bear the idea of his uncle being in danger. 

Donkey Kong slammed the ground as he landed. The impact felt like an earthquake when he landed. Diddy Kong landed on Donkey's shoulder. He pounded his chest and cracked his knuckles. The Kremlings were intimidated, they didn't move, they just looked at one another. King K. Rool however was witnessing everything at the sea shore.

"What is that?" the King muttered out. 

"You make Donkey Mad!!" Donkey Kong yelled out. "Now you must feel Donkey's Wrath!!" 

Donkey Kong threw his nephew at one Kremling and missed leading Diddy Kong to land face first onto the sand. and he latched on to another, knocking the Kremling down and pummeling it with all the power he had.

"HEY!" one Kremling yelled out. 

Donkey Kong looked up and saw five Kremlings running towards him. He jumped up using the Kremlin that he knocked out as a trampoline. The Kremlings looked up to see the Gorilla airborne. Donkey Kong's shadow loomed in upon one unfortunate Kremling, the Kremling gulped and Donkey Kong drop kicked the poor Kritter. 

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