Save Me from Myself

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//Sorry it's taken me so long to update. There was a lot of drama, I got really depressed and had to move schools, then I was working to finish my drivers ed- which I did and I go to the DMV next week to take the test to get my permit! I'm stoked, guys! Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. It's already hitting me in the feels, but i feel like it really needs to happen, to explore what Jake is feeling and how Rebellion's death is effecting everyone. It might have a slight trigger warning, if not to you, to me. I hope you guys enjoy it. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME//

Jake's POV:

Jake sighed as he walked through the town, wishing Rebellion was still with him. With tears in his eyes, he slowly walked to the grave that contained her ever-unwaking body. He sat down by the grave and silently looked at the inscription, tracing over it with his finger. As he did so, tears ran down his face more rapidly and his vision got blurry. His breathing became fast and he punched the ground screaming at it, like it was the one who took his love away from him. He slowly laid down and curled himself into a ball, trying to get close to her, just one more time. "Rebellion...." he quietly sobbed over and over again. He had continuously had nightmares since she was murdered, he was barely eating anything and it showed greatly. He was under so much stress that he just couldn't handle anything at the moment. He felt someone put a hand on his shoulder and he just barely looked up, only seeing a blur of black hair.

Jessica Control's POV:

Her house was right by the graveyard, but she didn't complain. Usually, it was pretty quiet, with the exception of tonight. She heard crying and screaming, so she went to check it out. She frowned as she saw Jake in the emotional state that he was. She slowly walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, kneeling a little bit. He looked up at her and she smiled a little at him, offering him a hand up. "Come on, there's no way I can leave you alone at a time like this. I know you're grieving, but I feel like I might be able to help. You can talk to me, it's the least I can do" she said to him with a small smile as he took her hand. She pulled him to his feet and walked with him back into her house, keeping her blue eyes on him the entire time. She got back inside with him and had him sit down, grabbing him some tissues. He looked so dead, so emotionless. She gently patted the tears off his cheeks and watched as he cried himself to sleep. She frowned softly and picked up a book, planning to stay awake until he awoke again, to make sure he would be okay.

(Princess) Ashley's POV:

She shot up in the bed, sweat dripping down her forehead and tears dropping from her eyes. She had the most terrible dream about her sister. She looked over, seeing she hasn't woken her love and brought her knees to her chest, silently sobbing. She had thought about Rebellion every day since she was murdered. She blamed herself, knowing that it was her that they wanted. Her sister didn't deserve what happened to her. As she thought about this, her breathing became fast and the tears came faster, as she was having an anxiety attack. The dark thoughts clouding her mind only made it worse for her.

Ashley's POV:

He woke up to the sound of someone gasping for breath. He opened his chocolate brown eyes and frowned at what he saw. He sat up and held her, trying to get her to calm down and tell him what had happened. After about an hour, he had calmed her down and she had told him what had happened. He tightly hugged her then looked her in the eyes, his hands on her shoulders "None of this was your fault, Ashley. You shouldn't blame yourself for something you had no control over. F.E.A.R. is reckless, they'll do anything they want to get what they want, but, I promise I won't let them get you again. You're not leaving my side and I'm not leaving yours." he said sternly, yet gently. He smiled as she nodded and kissed her head, laying back down. She snuggled up to him and he wrapped his arms around her, waiting until she fell asleep to finally drift off again.

(Princess) Mellisa's POV:

As she was sitting with CC, looking at the stars, she started to think of Rebellion and how they use to do this. They would sneak out of the castle and lay on the grass and watch the stars, occasionally talking shit about one of their sisters. Tears appeared in her eyes and she looked down at her lip. She had been so worried about the Ashley's that she had almost forgotten her sister. She felt like everyone had. It was still so unreal, thinking that she was gone. Tears continued to run down her face as she thought more about it. 'Sammi surely blames Ashley, like she did before.... But do I...? I mean, it was Ashley that they wanted... But... She's also the one who saved us from the F.E.A.R. base.. I'm so confused. I should talk to CC, maybe he'll understand and be able to help... Or maybe he'll hate me and think I'm a terrible person.....' she thought to herself 'I know, I'll talk to Ember and Sammi tomorrow about it all. Ember will know what to do' she thought once more with a small smile and cuddled into CC's chest, concealing her tears in his shirt.


He could tell she was crying, but he thought it best not to say anything, but to just be there. As she cuddled into him, he wrapped his arms around her, looking up at the stars with the most beautiful girl around. He looked down at her "hey... Melissa?" he asked. When she looked up at him, he kissed her gently and slowly pulled away, blushing a bit.

//Okay, I kind of hate myself after that. What will happen with Ember, Sammi and Melissa? What will happen with Ashley? Will you ever find out? Maybe. Until next time!!//

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