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//Hi, guys! This is the last chapter in The Mysterious Shadows. Oh my god, that's terrifying to think. I started writing this story when I was at the age of, like, 14, maybe 15 when I started writing this and I WAS SO BAD! UGH. MY GRAMMAR, MY SPELLING! Anyways..... I'm 17 as of yesterday and I would just like to thank you guys for putting up with me for this long and I can't wait to have the sequel up for you guys. //

-Time skip. It's been a year since (male) Ashley proposed to (Princess) Ashley. Rolinda has gotten very close to all of the girls and is one of the bridesmades in the wedding that is to come in one month! (princess) Ashley is extremely nervous, especially after hearing some of the villager's comments on the one she's calling her love.-

(Princess) Ashley's POV:

'Has anyone seen Ashley?" she asked around and finally she got an answer. "I think he was with Kalene, and she's like, the village whore. They might have been walking to her house, it's in that direction" One girl said, finally getting a good look at the princess. "Oh my god, you're his fiancee..... I can take you to her house if you want me to....". All the blue-eyed girl could do was nod. She was hoping that the girl was wrong. She was hoping with all of her might. When walking up to the house, she found the door unlocked and open. She peeked in slightly and saw the two on the couch, going at it. Tears immediately rolled down her pale face and she slowly backed away, trying to contain her emotions. Her breathing became heavy and she ran-not exactly sure where she was going--but she ran, until she literally ran into Jake. She fell to the floor and completely broke, sobbing and pulling at the ring on her left hand. She was shaking so badly, she couldn't even get it off.

Jake's POV:

He wa finally walking home from Jessica's (They're together now, just haven't moved in with each other yet)((YET)). He was so starstruck, he didn't realize what was around him. He felt something hit his chest and he woke from his daydream. He looked down at the girl on the floor and immediately recognized her. "Ashley?" he asked softly as he saw her tears and her attempts to get the ring that (male) Ashley had gotten her a year before. He bit his lip and picked her light body up "My god, doesn't your fiancee feed you?" He attempted to joke, but that just made her cry more. He took her to the house in which her sister's stayed in and walked through the door, all 3 of them in the kitchen, distracted, until they heard the sobbing. "What happened?!" Ember practically screamed at Jake "I...I don't know" Jake started, being cut off by Sammi "put her down on the couch, she's hyperventilating!" Jake did as he was asked. Melissa and Sammi looked worried, trying to help and Ember looked pissed "What happened, Pitts?!" Ember screamed, her piercing blue eyes darting through him, it seemed. "I was walking... And she was running... And she knocked into me, fell and just..... I don't know...." He tried to speak, confused as to what was happening. "Where is Purdy?" she said in almost a hiss and he shrugged "I honestly don't know...."

Ember's POV:

"Where's Purdy?" she asked the almost frightened looking man, who shrugged "I honestly don't know...." he said and she stormed out the door, in search for the man. She asked around, and the same girl helped Ember find him. They were just finishing up when she stormed in. "Ember... I....." "Shut up and put your pants on, you pig. You're never seeing my sister again. She saw you. You broke her." Ember said after cutting (male) Ashley off. Kalene smiled and put a hand on his chest "That means you and I can be together now, Ashy." the whore stated. Ashley got up and put his pants and shirt on "Ember please...." Ashley started before Ember slapped him, leaving a red mark on his face. "You know what? After she calms down, if she wants to speak with you, she has every right to slap the shit out of you, because it's not my place to..... I told her not to listen to the girls, that you had changed.... I hate myself for lying to her..." Ember sighed, looking away. Ashley stood there, tears threatening to run down his face. He flinched a bit as Ember glared at him "How many...?" She asked softly. "What?" was his only reply. "HOW MANY FUCKING SLUTS HAVE YOU CHEATED ON MY SISTER WITH?!" Ember screamed, tears running down her face. "This is the first time... I just... Couldn't hold onto my lust any longer. I'm so so--" "I'm not the one you need to fucking apologize to, man-whore." Ember cut him off bluntly and walked out the door

Ashley's POV:

"I really fucked up.." He voiced aloud, holding his head in his hands. "This means we can be together now, right Ashley?" Kalene asked him and he glared at her. "No. You and I will NEVER be together. You're nothing but a good-time girl and this is never going to happen again. There is no us." he said coldly and walked out, going to talk to Andy and the other guys. 'They're going to beat the shit out of me.... I deserve it... I hurt the most fragile.... Precious... Perfect girl I've ever met....' he thought to himself, tears running down his face."Fuck!" he said loudly, looking in the direction of the home the girl's all shared. Shaking his head, he went to go talk to the only people he knew he could.

(Princess) Ashley's POV:

She had calmed down a bit. She just wanted to die, she didn't care what happened to herself. Her heart had been ripped out, shredded to pieces, stomped on. The worst part was, she let it happen AGAIN. Wiping her tears, she got up and walked out of the door silentlty "Ashley, please wait...." Jake said, grabbing her arm "You don't have to be alone right now...." he softly said to her and she looked up at him with sad blue eyes "Please just.... Let me go...." she begged softly, trying not to let tears show any longer. He let go of her arm and she walked out. She started to walk to Rolinda's house, but she saw him. She froze in her tracks and after a moment walked up to him, punching him as hard as her small body would allow. She ran to Rolinda's and knocked on the door, tears dripping from her eyes.

Andy's POV:

He was usually the one who could tell when something went wrong. He walked outside and lit a cigarette, looking around. He saw a sad (male) Ashley walking towards him. All of a sudden, (Princess) Ashley ran up and decked him in the face with enough force that he fell to the ground. He watched after her and got up "I deserved that" he said aloud before walking up to Andy. "Dude, what's with her?" He asked one of his best friends, who looked at him "Dude, I fucked up. I fucked up badly and I don't know if she'll ever forgive me. I hurt her so badly, Andy." He said in a voice that was a little more than a whisper.

Rolinda's POV:

She knew exactly what was going on, she had made it happen. In her house were two F.E.A.R. Soldiers waiting for their emotionally broken prey. Hearing a knock, Rolinda got up and let the girl in. "Let me go get you some water" She said, faking being sympathetic. After leaving the room, the two F.E.A.R. soldiers made their move, taking the fragile girl. Rolinda came back, seeing the two soldiers using the serpantine's power to teleport back to the base. Grinning, she sipped on the water, until she realized the plan had changed. She was supposed to go with them. She had played right into their trap. "Fuck!" she exclaimed, running out the door to tell Andy, making up a story as she ran.

//Rolinda, have I ever told you that I love you? Don't fret! The plot will get better, I promise! I'll have the sequel up soon, but what should i call it? I was thinking "The Assholes of F.E.A.R." but then I realized that was probably a bad idea, lol. Lemme know, guys! This is the very end of this book!!! Byee!//

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