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  "Well that's hardly bloody fair..." Theo huffed as a vial with pink, swirling liquid was put in front of him on the table.
"Got to play by the rules-" Harry muttered, sounding affronted as the same vial was also placed in front of him. "If everyone else has signed the disclaimer but Malfoy hasn't then-"
"You know better than to think I would play by the same rules as everyone else, Potter," Draco told him in a mocking tone as he took a deep sip of his whisky and accepted the vial that Pansy had passed him over the table. "Did our time playing Quidditch at Hogwarts not teach you anything?"
"Or the time he nearly got ruined by that Hippogriff –" Blaise pointed out.
"Or the time he got turned into a white rodent-" Theo pointed out matter of factly.
"What about the time when he nearly offed old Dumbledore?-" Blaise replied. Hermione and Harry scowled at him. "-May God rest his soul." He added quickly, making a cross sign in front of him.
"Or the time when he nearly threw himself through that stupid bloody cabinet in frustration-" Theo laughed wholeheartedly.
Hermione heard Malfoy draw in an impatiently deep breath. It wasn't uncommon for Blaise and Theo to mock him for his previously dark deeds. He usually took it in his stride and bided his time until he was able to get them back with some sort of sarcastic and usually quite witty retort, but tonight did not seem like the night for that.
"There are no rules, it is the drinker's choice." Pansy cut in, silencing the boys when she spotted the look of tension on Draco's face. He seemed to be grappling with himself, Hermione could sense it from where he sat. Almost as if he thought he was making a very big mistake by signing the contract.
"Well if I can't see his then he can't see mine." Theo announced petulantly, poking a finger in Draco's direction.
"I don't want to see yours Theodore, you'll put me off sausage for life." Draco said darkly, earning a titter from a few around the table.
"What was that?" Theo asked sarcastically, "Hmm?", putting a hand to his ear and cupping it in Draco's direction. "Jumbo hotdog, you say? Oh, you do compliment me, Draco."
"More like cocktail sausage, mate. Have a strong word with yourself, yeah?" Draco bantered back and Hermione tensed as she chanced a glance at Pansy. She saw her eyes sparkle when the mention of sausage size came into the equation.
God, have mercy upon her soul ... her train of thought always seemed to lead her back there, and Pansy didn't help. Once the flood gates of the dirt bag that was Pansy Parkinson had been opened, there was no stopping her. Several times Hermione had choked on air whilst in work as a dirty little fact or a smutty little musing had made its way out of Pansy's mouth. The worst one was just shy

of two months ago, as they stood together in the lingerie section of the shop, fixing the array of bra's and knickers on the shelves ....
"Did you see him sitting down last night?" Pansy asked innocently as she fixed a pair of frilly French knickers back onto their hanger. "He looked so uncomfortable towards the end of the night."
Hermione tried her best to ignore her. She knew exactly where Pansy was going with this, and if she let the girl bate her then there would be no stopping the filth that would spill out of her mouth. Specifically, filth about Draco Malfoy.
"I hadn't noticed." Hermione replied casually, like she always did and hoped that Pansy would drop the subject.
But Pansy Parkinson never dropped a subject.
"I think that arm chair is the only one that offers him a little relief from the pressure in that particular area..." Pansy mused innocently. "I mean, I know he has his pants tailored to look a little baggier in the crotch area, but you can plainly see that he must be uncomfortable packing-"
"Pansy..." Hermione moaned at her and drew in a breath as she picked up a stray bra from off the floor. "Stop. Just stop."
Pansy paid absolutely no attention. "I suppose it can't be helped though with the way he looks at you when you're not looking..." One of Pansy's eyebrows shot into the air as Hermione turned to her and gave her a suspicious look. "...when you find something funny, but you know you shouldn't laugh; you bite your lip..."
Hermione frowned.
"Draco likes that." Hermione's mouth went dry.
"He likes to bite and be bitten while he's fucking – that I know of - or involved in any type of foreplay..." Pansy smirked at the blush on Hermione's cheeks. "I think it's a paraphilia called Odaxelagnia. It is generally considered a mild form of sadomasochism, but I think Draco just gets off on the feel of his skin between your teeth ..." Hermione drew in another deep breath. "...if he's close and you put your mouth in the right place..." Pansy put two fingers against the pulse point on her neck as she looked at Hermione. "...if you use your lips to massage the area, add your tongue to moisten it...and then sink your teeth in at just the right moment..." Hermione clenched her thighs at the thought. "... the sound's he'll make for you ... Granger, he'll be all yours."
Hermione shook her head to try and get rid of the imagery. But the thought of biting down on Draco Malfoy's neck and hearing the deep, rumbling sounds erupt from his throat as he came for her were just too much. Would he talk to her through it? Would he want to tell her she was a good girl? Would he want to be buried deep inside her while she did that for him, to achieve the most intense orgasm he would probably ever have?

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