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Chapter Summary
What He Deserves
Song for this chapter; JP Saxe - Hey stupid, I Love you.
The kudos and the comments and the love and support I have recieved have been phenomenal, truly.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So.... here it is;
The final chapter followed by an Epilogue.
Thank you for taking this little journey with me, it has been an emotional blast!! Love you all
Hermione woke to warm, thick arms wrapped around her middle and a strong thigh resting over her hip. And she had never felt happier for her situation.
Her hands reached down and found his, holding them reassuringly as she felt Draco stir behind her and kiss along her shoulder tenderly as sleep unfogged from his brain.
"Sleep well?" he asked in a deep voice, holding her closer to his body as she moaned at the sensation of his lips against her neck.
"Very well," she told him before turning her head and catching his lips with hers. "And you?" she asked with a coy smile and as grinned at her.
"Best night's sleep I've had since the last time you shared my bed..." he told her between kisses. "I wouldn't let you leave this bed if I could..." he winked at her devilishly.
Hermione bit her lip and looked into his eyes, which were shining bright. "This doesn't feel real..."
He shook his head as he slowly leaned in for another kiss. "Oh, it's real... and I'll keep showing you how real it is until it sinks in for both of us..." he whispered as his lips pressed against hers, taking her breath away.
His soft lips moved with her own for several long moments before his tongue demanded entrance. Her eyes fluttered closed, enjoying the way he stirred the emotions inside of her body. It felt like everything went numb and began to tingle to the point of tickling. Every nerve ending inside of her lit up and burned bright.

Holding on tight around his neck, Hermione reached up against him and she smiled to herself as he kissed his way down her body. Might as well put his bed to good use again ... after putting it to good use at least three times last night.
His hips were grinding against hers already, and neither of them had lost their underwear yet. His strong hands massaged her body as his lips kissed lower, pushing and pulling her knickers out of the way. When he finally slid them down her body, he slid two fingers inside of her, and his tongue flicked against her aching clit.
Her eyes fluttered closed at the same time her lips parted with a heavy gasp. Her hips began to lift on their own, moving back and forth with his tongue. She never wanted to separate. She needed him right where he was for the rest of her life. When her release began to build, he pulled away, leaving her hanging.
"Draco-" she cried out as he moved back up my body. He grinned.
"What's the matter, Granger?" he asked, before lining himself up and sliding deep inside of her, filling every last inch. She could no longer complain. That stretch... god, it felt amazing. It always did. "Do you need me too much?"
"Oh, God..." was all she could say, and she did take him.
Her head fell back against the pillows as her eyes closed. His mouth found hers just as he began to thrust in and out of her. God, she loved the way he filled her completely. It was like his body was made to fit with hers. It was like they were made to be with each other, regardless of their size difference. He knew every spot to touch, every place to caress. She never thought they would have made much sense; the Gryffindor good-girl and the dark Slytherin... but now, she couldn't see herself with any other man.
"Feel so good... you're mine...can't get enough of you...never will..." he said in incoherent speech as the feeling of him filling her up over and over made her thighs shake.
Draco Malfoy was it for her. She knew they should have made all of this quiet and quick as she had to be at the shop in an hour, but she didn't want to.
She wanted to take their time, feel every touch, every emotion that they caused one another to feel. She wanted to feel like she was being pushed to the edge of the earth, nearly ready to fall, only to be pulled back again. She wanted that process repeated and repeated until she couldn't stand it anymore. She wanted to feel like a tornado was wreaking havoc in her body.
"Please, Draco..." she begged, needing more of him. She needed to feel every part of him that he could give her.
She loved the way he kept her on her toes, never knowing what move he was going to make or what he was going to say. She just loved him; it was as complicatedly simple as that.
"You're so fucking perfect, Hermione," he whispered against her skin. "God, just sliding into you makes me want to come undone." He thrust inside of her again, this time deeper. "Fuck – you're beautiful."
"Yes – keep going...oh, Draco please-" She called out at the movement and his words, causing him to repeat the move; this time, he rocked his hips when he could go no further.
Her body tightened and prepared for her release. "Draco, I'm going to come," she cried out quietly

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