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Chapter Summary
No Noise Allowed
The love and the Kudo's are much appreciated!! The comments are outstanding and your smutty little minds have mine writing furiously for you! Haha!
This one doesn't touch on Harry and Pansy as a focus as much as the others did but ... well... you'll see why ;-)
Hermione woke alone on the morning of Draco's birthday. This provoked a mixture of feelings to stir inside of her; embarrassment, guilt and regret being just a few. They festered within her as she dressed, feeling that Malfoy had obviously deeply regretted last night enough to not want to wake her up with him this morning.
Maybe there was something he didn't like? Or maybe he had decided that he just couldn't go there with her? Was he trying not to mess up their strange friendship? Had he thought that he couldn't possibly try and have sex with her due to her petite size?
Her mind boggled and an uneasy feeling set into the pit of her stomach at the thought. The man was a puzzle, and no matter what way she tried, she couldn't put his pieces together properly.
Up on entering the kitchen she found her friends sitting around reading the Saturday morning newspaper, or making themselves breakfast, using Draco's kitchen casually, as if they lived there themselves.
"Where's Malfoy?" Hermione pretended to ask casually, and all four pairs of eyes turned to pin her with devilish stares and big, knowing smirks.
"He's gone for his morning jog." Pansy told her as she poured milk into her teacup. "He likes to jog... releases the tension..."
Harry smirked and put his head down. Hermione felt herself blush so furiously that she could have sworn she was turning a different colour.
"We've all signed a card for him and left a cake for later." Harry told her as he stood next to Pansy, mixing his cup of tea with a teaspoon. "We'll leave it for him to open when he gets back...not that he'll appreciate it." He finished with s huff.
"I've actually brought him a card and present," she told Harry, and everyone looked at her again with a smirk. "It's nothing much; Kendal Mint Cakes." She said defensively. "I know he likes spearmint sweets."
"...if I remember rightly, he's not the only one who likes spearmint." Harry gave her a knowing look and Pansy looked at him gleefully. Those two were the worst meddling partners to ever team

up since Fred and George Weasley.
Theo sighed woefully from the table. "I'm absolutely devastated that I didn't hear the screaming last night, Granger." He told her from over his bowl of cornflakes. "Thought he would have at least been able to get one yelp out of you."
Blaise hit him around the back of the head and Hermione didn't know where to put her face. So, they all must have known about the room swap... bloody Pansy.
"If it makes any difference Granger," Blaise told her as he sipped his coffee. "He's got it bad."
"Oh, absolutely." Theo confirmed. "Never seen him so controlled...surprised he hasn't spontaneously combusted by now, if I'm honest."
Pansy gave her a look. "I told you so..." she sing-songed.
Hermione bit her lip and her heart lifted a little. But still... Draco wasn't there to give her the added confidence she needed to attest to the fact that her friends were correct. If they were right, then why was he so quick to leave?
Why was he so quick to get away from her?
One Week Later:
"Your turn." Pansy announced excitedly.
Harry shook his head and turned pale. Hermione knew he had been dreading this day. He knew who he would be fantasising about, and now it was all about to laid out there for everyone to see. She could see the sweat appearing on his brow at the thought.
Theo and Blaise smirked at him before wishing him well, and then proceeded to take their seats on the couch, ready to watch the show.
Hermione was less eager. Harry was her best friend and she wasn't sure whether she felt comfortable sitting there and watching him indulge in his deepest sexual fantasy, whatever that may be. She had no problem watching the others as they hadn't been her friends since school ... but Harry ... he was practically like her brother.
Hermione saw Draco move out of the corner of her eye as he came into the Living room. Her heartbeat picked up quickly and she wasn't sure where to look. Did she try to make eye contact? Did she attempt to make conversation with him? How was this thing between them supposed to go?
She glanced in his direction and instantly met his eyes, like he had been waiting for her to look at him. He nodded a hello at her, hands in his pant pockets... looking so innocent and sheepish that her mouth went dry. He was feeling just as awkward as she was.
It must have taken him a battle against his willpower to send that card...

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