Chapter 1- Argh!

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"Quit it, Miranda!" I yelled, frantically reaching for the remote that was lying on the glass coffee table. "No! It's my turn! You've watched America's Next Top Model already!", Miranda, my younger sister, answered back. "Oh puh-leeze!", I said with the Tyra Bank neck roll thingies I practiced in the mirror for hours, "Girl, older sisters deserve to watch TV first!" I explained. "You're so unfair!" She cried, while stomping into our room. "I don't care!" I yelled back, while grabbing the remote, now dropped on the floor.

Well, actually, I do care, I'm just lazy to show that. "Emily, why don't you try to share?", asked my twin sis, Hailey, while she's reading. "I don't like to, especially with Miranda.", I said a little carelessly.

"But why?"

"Because whenever I share with her, she won't share stuff with me!


"So I don't trust her!"

"Jeez, Emily! Miranda's your sis! You're like an unknown piece of dirt to her."

"Oh puh-leeze! Just continue reading and shut up!"

Aaaah...better! No noise and bossy sisters to prevent your enjoyable TV time. I first got some popcorn and relaxed myself. I watched movies while Hailey's reading and while Miranda's pouting her chin out.

When I grew bored and bored, I decided to watch YouTube videos on my laptop upstairs in our room. I walked upstairs and held on the doorknob when I suddenly remembered about the mini-fight I had with Miranda. I gulped. When I tried to open the door, it was suddenly opened from the inside! I was face-to-face with Miranda, and her eyes was red and puffy. I suppose she cried. "Oh, uh, hi! Uhm, I just wanted to go in." I kinda stuttered. "Well, go! I don want to be with any selfish sister, anyway." She said.

I felt extremely guilty. Why can't I be a good sister?

As she hurried back downstairs, I went inside and shut the door. I got my laptop and laid down on our large purple bed. I turned it on and searched up YouTube and enjoyed myself for a couple of hours.

"Dinner's ready!" I heard my my mom's voice from downstairs. Then, I heard steps coming into our room. "Emily, dinner's on the table." Miranda said after she opened the door. "Sure, I'm coming."

"Oh, there you are, my girls. Let's eat!", my mom joyfully said. I focused my look on the table. Today's dinner featured grilled shrimp, crispy fried chicken, and beef noodle soup. I felt that my eyes were coming out of my head, and my mouth was watering like forever. My fave foods! Score!

After I finished my meal, I got a slice of cake. Yummy! Then out of nowhere, my dad said," Oh and Emily, you wash the dishes.". Then I replied,"What?! But da-ad! That's Miranda's share!". "I don't care about whose share it is. And also, you owe Mira an apology. Hailey told me that you didn't let her watch TV earlier." Dad sternly essayed. Hailey told dad? Argh!, I thought. I gave Hailey an icy glare, then stormed in the kitchen. "Emily! You forgot something, dear!", dad said. "What is it this time?", I asked with a hint of boredom.

"Your apology."

"Oh. I'm sorry Miranda."

"Again! That's not from the heart."

"I am so, so sorry."

"Repeat it, and I mean it, Emily Ruth."

"I am so, so, so terribly and extremely sorry Miranda!"

"Again! Don't shout your apolo-"

"Oh come on! Dad! I don't like to repeat it! I'm fed up!"

"Emily Ruth Collins!"

After he shouted my full name, I shivered a bit, but still, I remained calm. I went into the kitchen and washed the dirty dishes and wiped the dirt out. Yucky blucky crap! Eeeww!, I thought. Whenever I'm so mad, I try my best to shut myself up, but sometimes, I think my mouth has its own mind.

After I'm done, I washed my hands and walked past through the sofa, with my dad, my mom, Miranda and Hailey sitting comfortably, watching TV Shows. "Oh, there you are, sweetheart. Come and join us!", my mom, Louisse, said. "No, thanks. I don't like to because there's someone I particularly dislike.", I said with a pinch of anger.

As I went upstairs, I took a shower. Water trickles through my skin and I feel extravagant. I massage my scalp and I put bathing lotion, strawberry vanilla scented, unto my skin. Then I got my towel and wrapped it around my body.

I wore a white tank top and candy pink pajamas printed with gray kitties. I combed my luscious dark brown hair. Then I opened my laptop again and watched YouTube videos.

When I heard my family laughing downstairs, I feel left out, but I don't wanna join them. I grew tired and sleepy and my eyes felt like they were carrying a 10 ton metal bar. I closed my laptop, got my bear eye cover, and slept.


Hi! This is my first book! Can you guys please help me throughout the whole book? I'm just a naive beginner, and please feel free to comment, vote and follow!


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