Chapter 4- It's not confirmed... yet!

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As we went home on the bus, I realized that Michael made such many friends. He is indeed friendly, kind, and nice. He sits next to me and he stares at the window. I was just sitting, with my elbow propped on my right lap and my hand cupping my face. Just then, the bus stopped and we were near a really big house. Michael moved beside me and I realized that he was getting out, so I moved my position, so he can walk through.

"Bye, Emily, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see ya."

"Oh, right, remember to save that seat next to you."

"Oh! Save this seat? Well, okay, sure, of course.", I stammered out of complete shock with a ting of joy.

OMG! He's sitting next to me! How lovely!

In an instant, the bus continued traveling. I shot a quick glance at a rich girl named Victoria, but I almost got a heart attack when whe was already looking at me with her sneery brown eyes. I akwardly changed my glance at the bus driver.

Victoria Davidson is an only daughter of a rich bank manager. They say that their mansion is so elegant and shiny, you would never want to go out of it. She has only imported designer outfits, and eats exquisite food.

Anyway, when she looked at me earlier, it was kinda strange. It was a mix of interest and disgust. Like that she's interested in me, but then she's disgusted for some reason.

After a couple of minutes, we were already at our house. The creamy white fence surrounded our home and there's a fabulous garden in the backyard. My mom takes care of it.

As Miranda opened the front door, mom was at the couch, holding her iPhone while watching the television. "Oh, hi girls! There you are. How was school?", she asked. "Mom, guess what? I got a perfect score on my maths!", Miranda gleefully said. "Wow, I'm proud of you. That calls mashed potato and grilled steak for supper!", Mom announced. "Steak? Sweet! I do love steak.", Hailey said.

I was changing into a yellow tank top and pink shorts when a thought hits my mind.

The brownie baking with Will, Edward and Michael!

"Oh, right. Let me check my phone.", I said to myself. As I dumped my soiled clothes in the hamper, I fished my phone in my backpack.

3 new text messages!, the notifications say. I browsed the messages and saw that it was from those guys.

Michael Schraeger:
Hey, Emily, did you tell your parents about the brownies? I can't wait. LOL!!!

Will Eatard:
Ems, did ya confirm the baking stuff with me and Michael and Ed? Meh soo excited!

Edward Jones:
Emily, u already told ur parents about the brownies? -ed here

Cool! These guys really want to bake with me. I instantly shoved my phone in my shorts's pocket and went down the stairs. I was about to ask my question when I smelled the meaty aroma of the steak.

"Wow, mom! The steak smells delicious.", I declared. "Glad you like it, honey.", she said. "Oh, and, uh, mom? How would you feel if I, erm, invite three guys to our house to, uhm, learn how to bake brownies?", I asked nervously.

What if she says no? I would totally let my guy friends down! That would be so terrible!

"What did you say, honey? You want to learn how to bake guy-shaped tree-house brownies?", she questioned. "What? Guy-shaped tree-house brownies? Ugh, nevermind, I'll ask it at dinner later.", I called out.

Who in the whole wide world would want to bake such nonsense in a brownie?

Well, it's not confirmed...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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