Chapter 2- Michael

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That was the stupid ringtone of my cellphone's alarm clock. Out of complete shock, I jerked awake and fell on the floor, with my butt hitting the floor.


"Emily! Are you alright? What happened?" Hailey asked. So, I see, they went to sleep when I was already asleep.

"I'm okay. I just hit my butt on the floor." I said. "Oh my! What happened?" She questioned. "I just told you! I hit my butt on the floor!", I remarked. "No! I meant that, how did you hit your butt?", she replied with a funny look on her face. "Oh, that. I was shocked because of that stupid alarm ringtone, then my butt tried to hug the floor.", I said with a laughing face. Hailey laughed a bit, too.

"Mira. . . Miranda. . .Wake up!", Hailey said while tapping on Miranda's shoulder. "Miranda! Wake up! Miranda Belle Collins! Wake up!", I shouted. "Uwf, shtop, I'm still. . .shleep, wake me. . .later. . shtop." Miranda mumbled. I was so impatient that I gave her tickle bombs on her sides. Haha! It actually worked! She immediately rose from her slumber and gave me a friendly shove and we laughed. I think the rivalry we had yesterday was gone like ashes.

I took a bath with my all-time fave bath soap, Rose Vanilla Splash. Then I wrapped a green towel in my wet body. As usual, I don't know what to wear!

Uhh, dress paired with jeans? Nah!

Erm, a t-shirt paired with a very long skirt? Looks ugly.

Hmm, a lacey blouse with pajamas? Looks like a terrible sleepwear.

Ehh, a long-sleeved shirt with khaki shorts? God, it looks weird.

I was hysterically looking for an outfit when I spotted a t-shirt printed with hearts on it. I paired it with some bootcut jeans and rubber shoes. I know, it does look crazy, but I need to dress up or I'll be late. . . Again! Yep, I was late for school last week, and worse, I ended up wearing a loose t-shirt and a tattered bootcut jeans. My classmates laughed their heads of at me, and I was, like, Argh, whatevs! Shrug it off, Emily!.

As I hurried down the stairs, I tripped over the last flights, and OW! THAT HURTS, YOU KNOW!

"Great, another stupid bruise! Thanks stairs, for the nice tattoo.", I muttered to myself. As I examined, it's a teeny bruise on my right arm, but it hurts when I press it hard.

"Oh my, sweetheart, are you alright?", mom asked. "Yep, I'm good.", I answered. "Did it hurt? Do you want Dr. Shintaugh to check for broken bones? Does it hurt when I touch it? Does it-", I cut her off. "Mom! I just told you! I'm fine, okay?!", I yelled. "Emily Ruth, I do not like this new attitude of yours. Stop it.", dad scolded.

Argh! Why are my parents are so grumpy?!

As I sat down, our breakfast was really delectable! Chocolate chips pancakes, strips of bacon and hashbrowns! Yum!

I was stunned by Hailey's outfit. A laced pastel blouse with black jeans and gray sneakers. Sometimes, I even wonder if Hailey is my twin sister. I mean, we always have different insights about each and everything. I find dresses really weird, but she adores them. I love dipping fries on a choco malt sundae, while she eats them without any condiments. I don't know what to wear everyday, while she's a total diva at clothes planning.

I got strips of bacon oand shoved them right into my mouth.

Crunch! crunch!

Aaahh...So yummy! I also helped myself to a pancake and a hashbrown. As I rose to get my coat, I saw Miranda taking her gazillionth selfie. Like, seriously, her IPhone is loaded with tons of selfies! That girl is our family's Selfie Queen. "OMG! This is the best pic I ever had!", she squealed. "What now? You always say that to every selfie you take!", I remarked. "Oh, whatever.", she muttered.

As she edited her 'best selfie ever', I studied her picture. Wow, it was amazing! Her wavish curly brown hair was very neat and her blue eyes made a great partner on her light blue dress. Her smile was very cute, yet relaxed. Her pastel green bow was in perfect position. In short, it was indeed awesome!


"Oh, the bus!", yelled Hailey. "Bye, mom! Bye, dad!", Miranda added. They exchanged a couple of cheek kisses. Well, I didn't kiss my grumpy parents on their cheeks. Why would I? They hated me, right? Right?!

As I hopped on the bus, I scanned the vehicle. Where's George and Phoebe? George Thatcher and Phoebe Adams are my two great bestfriends. We are like pink Skittles in a bowl of M&Ms.

Dang it!

Ugh! I hate it when they're absent! Well, I just sat on an empty seat with nobody beside me. Great. I flopped my backpack in my lap and laid my head on the window. Suddenly, the bus stopped and I hit my forehead on the window.


Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Just great! Am I gonna be the Bruise Girl now? I just had a bruise on my butt, elbow, and now my forehead? Great. Just great.

As I saw outside on the window, I saw a boy just about my height walking towards the bus. Hmmm, I've never seen this guy before. He has cute black, shaggy hair, wore a checkered polo shirt and some jeans, and had a backpack lying on his back

All in a sudden, he flopped his backpack next to my seat and sat down. "Phew, oh, hi there!", he greeted me. "Oh, um, hello!", I replied, a bit overwhelmed.

"My name's Michael, how 'bout yours?"

"I'm Emily. Emily Collins. My sisters are Miranda and Hailey over there."

"Nice to meet you!"

"Oh, nice meeting you, too."

Then me and Michael chatted and he said that he was attending our school, East Valley Academy, and he was in Class 7-C. I was a kinda happy when he said that, you know why? I'm in Class 7-C!

He explained to me that he's didn't attend our class a few weeks ago is because he was still making some understandings in the school's office.

I must admit, Michael is very friendly. We just knew each other for, like, 5 minutes ago. He's very nice and cool. He also told me that he's very good in computer editing software and stuff like that.

When the bus reached our school, me and Michael walked to our classroom together. "Oh look! There's a seat right next to me! Maybe we can be seatmates?", I offered. "That sounds awesome! Let's be seatmates!", he enthusiastically accepted.

I liked Michael right away.


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