Chapter 3- Brownies and Bestfriend problems

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As me and Michael sat down, he fixed his things while I saw Phoebe, reading a book. As I walk towards her, she didn't notice me, when I was close to her, she still didn't pay attention to me. I stood in front of her desk, but she still ignored me.

But why?

Then, mischievousness filled my mind. I suddenly snatched her book out of her hands, not thinking what was I doing. "Hey! Give that back to me!", she yelled. "Whatcha readin'?", I asked in a naughty tone. "Emily! Give it back!", she yelled even louder. "Whatever!", I shouted. I threw her book right in front of her.

I felt like all eyes were glued to us. I immediately ran back to my seat as fast as I can. I never felt so embarrassed in my whole entire life!

"You okay?", Michael asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine.", I replied while covering my face withmy brown hair.

"Emily! What do you think you're doing?!", a familiar voice bellowed at me.

When I turned around, I saw George, red with fury. "Are you deaf? I said what were you thinking? You could've destroyed Phoebe's book!", he shouted. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it.", I said, holding my tears. "Yeah right, Ms. Troublemaker!", he yelled.

I sighed. What was happening to our friendship? This is all my fault! Wait, it isn't a big deal, right? I mean, it's just a joke.

Okay, a terrible joke.

As I glanced on my watch, wait, I forgot my watch! Argh! Oh crumbs, why?! Ugh, nevermind. I don't need it anyway, I think?

"Good Morning Class!", greeted by a happy voice. It was Ms. Sally, our adviser. "Please stand and lead the prayer, Jason.", she continued. After the prayer, she said, "Is there any absent pupil?". "Ms. Sally, Karmin's absent.", called my curly haired classmate, Elle. "Okay, thanks, Elle. Okay, class, we have a new student for today", she announced. I saw my classmates' excited looks on their eyes.

I look a bit surprised. Not because of of Michael, but because of my classmates's reactions. I mean, they should've seen him a while ago. Seriously, are my classmates blind or something?

"I see, Emily is already your seatmate.", Ms. Sally said. O felt akward. Why would Ms. Sally call me like that? I feel like Phoebe and George's eyes were on glaring at me.

Michael smiled as Ms. Sally said for him to go in front and introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Michael Schraeger. I'm 13 years old and I love playing sports, especially soccer." My eyes was enlightened when he said the word soccer. I do love soccer, but I'm not very good at it.

As I skirt my eyes towards the back of the room, I saw Tyron's eyes glaring at Michael. I guess I know why. He is one of the best soccer players in our section, and I suppose he doesn't want any completion between him and Michael. Well, I still don't know if Michael's good at it. If he is, maybe I'll take him as my coach.

As he sat down, everyone was eager to get his attention. Well, good luck for them, but I have made friends with him first.

We proceeded to discuss about the historical colonies and more subtly boring stuff in history. I was glad when History was over. Mathematics is next, and I'm not very good at my maths.

Mr. Owen went to the room and discussed about geometry and complicated measures of hard angular shapes including their precise angles and exact proportion and lots of boring stuff. We answered some maths in our textbooks and we went wild when the bell rang.

When I saw Michael fixing his bag, I saw two guys befriending him, Edward and Will. They were asking if he can join them for recess. And they saw me, and offered me to eat with them, too. At first, I was going to resist, but I really want to know Michael more and to explore my boyish side.

"Hey guys, wanna go for some brownies?", I asked, handing them my bag of those chocolate square cakes. "Cool", Will said, as he adjusted his glasses and took a brownies. Edward and Michael got their brownies, too.

"Mmm, this is delicious! Did you make them?", Edward questioned me, as he went walking in the hall. "Nope, Hailey and I made them, and I am merely the assistant.", I answered. "Well, even though you're the assistant, that still counts that you made these.", Will said. "You know what? Maybe I could go to your house and you could teach me how to bake.", Michael said with interest. "Oh, that's very exciting! But, you don't know where I live.", I remarked a bit overwhelmed, like when I first met him.

He thinks very thoughtfully as we entered the cafeteria. "Hmm, maybe you could give me your phone number, then I will send you messages.", he said. "Very well", I agreed. I fished through my bootcut jeans' pocket and grabbed my pen. I scribbled my number on his hand in my prettiest penmanship. He also jot down his number on my left hand, and that's when I knew he was a leftie.

"Oh, can I come too?", Will asked. "I dunno, but if our parents will allow us, then yes.", I replied. My house is not very far from Will's. "Can I also join?", Edward questioned. "I still have no idea, but since we're neighbors, maybe our parents will allow us.", I answered.

I feel suddenly happy. It's like I'm chilling out with guys and discovering my authentic boyish side.

I smiled as I thought, I like Edward and Will now. I like them as I like Michael.

As we were going back to the room, we have happened to pass by Phoebe and George. I felt very anxious in an instant, but I said nothing. I was speechless. I was terrified. But they're still my bestfriends. I can't act like this, but things will truly get akward if I say sorry to them in public, so I ignored them. Yes, I do feel bad and mean, but I also have to think about myself. Phoebe and George's eyes were full of anger as I pretended that they were invisible.

I am one of the worst bestfriends in the world.

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