2 years down the line

16 0 0

We are going to make Katara 14 ok sorry I'm just not really in the mood to try and write for few more years and I feel Kya (the second) is in a good age for how I want the story to go so yeah but every one else's age goes up two years ok. Making sokka and Kendra 17

Kendras POV
I woke up to see my toddlers smiling face with her blue eyes peering into my identical ones, i giggled at the sweet girl. Then as my eyes adjusted to the rest of the room I see my loving husband sitting next to our daughter, then he leant in and kissed me on the cheek and said "Happy birthday" "happy birthday to you too" I smiled I got up and put my clothes on then got my two year old dressed (sokka was up before both of them there for he is already ready for the day). We all slipped on our parkas and gloves and made our way to Kanahs tent for breakfast. Once they stepped inside the the high spirited toddler took off running to her aunt as if she hasn't seen her everyday "Aunt Katara" causing the teenager to turn around smiling happily at child picking her up and walking back over to everyone for the usual morning chatter they all ate, laughed, and discussed there morning plans.
A/n I'm going to take the time right here to tell u what there plans are
Kanna and Kendra sewing
Sokka and Katara fishing
Kodah cleaning seal blubber
Kya learning to sew and of course scheduled naps lol
So we are goin to make this Sokkas and Kataras pov at once so umm going to carried out like I normal convo k this chapter is going to go off the poly sorta of the boy in the iceberg.except sokka isn't sexist in this ok so season one sokka hmph don't know him. Ok back to the story
Sokka ,Katara,  pov
"Katara, would you stop it with the magic water thingy, you are scaring away the fish!"      " it's not magic it's water bending, and we've been out here for hours and nothing has came" (ok time skip to when they find aang and nearing the village)
Anngs pov
I was looking ahead to the direction the village is while talking to Katara and sokka putting his mind where he thought was needed until we got to the village. I see two people walking ways away from the edge but close enough to see us. Once Appa got close enough so we three could hop off him safely I hear a young women's worried voice with a small child calling out for their father and sokka hurrying off Appa not even caring when he fell then everything went dark.
Sokkas  pov
"Daddy!" Kya Is the first thing I hear besides aang and Katara then I heard Kendras worried voice yelling after her and me so I jumped off of the bison sliping on the ice when I landed but quickly getting up and scooping Kya up then I started running towards kendra who was running towards both of us then I heard her more clearly but now she seen the bison more clearly pure fear was written all over her face and voice " S-s-sokka, what is that?!" Then she caught eye of someone falling back on the bison "w-wh-who is that?!" I looked at her in my best attempt to try and calm her down so I logically turned her around so she couldn't see the beast and I started walking us back to the village while calmly explaining what had happened, which seemed to help some cause I noticed her posture became looser then once we got into the village I gathered gran gran kodah in me and Kendras tent and started explains to the best of abilities of what happens and what was going on. Then kodah and gran gran excited out of the tent to go meet up with Katara and the supposed air bender.while stayed back with Kendra and Kya in our home. Thirty minutes passed which is about the the time it takes to get to the village from where we originally were Kendra was just laying Kya down for a nap when gran gran called us into the spare tent nobody used to discuss the situation once we came up with a good enough solution Kendra Katara and gran gran set off to make lunch ,kodah went to go get the meat for dinner and I went to go watch Kya. About an hour later I decided I was going to lay with her and just hold her in all honesty while I loved how independent she is and having a conversation with her.I miss her being a baby needed me Kendra for everything never wanted to go without us and was so quiet and peaceful I remember I used to lie with her on my chest a lot and sometimes falling asleep myself. So I cuddled up to my sleeping two year old and she nuzzled herself into my chest and I pulled her close and accidentally fell  asleep  with her  I woke up about 30 minutes later realizing I should probably wake kya up and get her parka gloves and boots on as we both set off walking towards gran grans tent I heard seen Katara and gran gran head to the spare tent shortly after Katara started gathering the village and grouping everyone in front of the tent she drug Kendra out of gran grans tent running while Kendra was walking and probably saying something extraordinarily sarcastic.they then got to me and Kya and Katara left her right next to me and said "both of you with everyone else" with that we made our way over to gran gran and kodah who had similar annoyed expressions.Kya who had manage to call asleep again lifted her head up and looked around till she saw her mother "mommy daddy what's going on" she looked ant me and Kendra with a worried face "I don't know your aunt Katara gathered everyone here but I promise that your safe" she nodded in response then Kendra leaned on me and just stared at us with her big crystal blue eyes she smiled and stated randomly "you two look so much alike" just then Katara walked out with aang. And Katara introduced him to the whole village then gran gran stepped up and said no ones seen the air benders for a long time and we all assumed they were extinct. Then after that I questioned what kind of weapon he had since it was a literal stick "it's not a weapon it's my staff, I can control the wind currants with it and fly" "last time I checked HUMANS CANT FLY!!" "Well check again!" With amazement everyone watched as he successively climbed a feat that we all thought was impossible well almost successfully he crashed into my "WATCHTOWER" In the back ground I could hear Kendra state "you would've thought that it was Kya"  "Great your air bender Katara is a water bender  you both can go be weird together" I then got and walked up annoyed grabbed Kendra and Kya and started walking to our home to hopefully eat.
Aangs pov
"Who were the two people sokka walked away with?" "His wife Kendra and their daughter Kya" she stated plainly "they don't look old enough to to be married let alone be parents" she shrugged "they love each other and they are good parents to Kya I see nothing wrong with it" "but, they can't be more than 16!" "They're 17" "ohh ok.... So! Do you want to go penguin sledding" " I would love too but I have to finish my chores first I will after though"
Katara pov
I walked to Kendra and Sokkas tent cause I ran out of string and Kendra always had some spare around speaking of Kendra I think she's pregnant again and not telling us I've noticed sokka getting more protective of her than usual. Once I got there I went inside and seen them all asleep Kya tucked in between them my guess is that they sat her down and she fell asleep then they sat next to her and fell asleep by accident. I went over careful not to wake sokka or Kya up. I gently shook Kendra so she would wake up she looked back at me "what do you need" sleep still in her voice "some string" she nodded and walked over into the other room and went through her pocket and handed it to me after she did her hand went directly to her stomach which peaked my curiosity "Kendra are you pregnant again" her face blushed a deep crimson color "h-h-how did you know" she looked at me curiously "for the past couple of days Sokkas been acting more protective then usual" I laughed nervously she nosed In response " is that it" she asked hanging her hands at her side "yeah" I couldn't help it anymore so I hugged her I couldn't believe I was going to be an aunt again I then left before sokka woke up.
So that's it for this chapter again I'm sorry for not posting sooner.

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