Chapter One

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This was originally marked as inappropriate, but that you Wattpad for letting me repost it!

Jake was walking from his house to his school with drew on a Friday "you wanna come over tomorrow and play super smash Gacha again? I unlocked a new character I'm sure you'll love!" Drew claimed, Jake smiled and looked at his childhood friend "yea that would great!" He laughed.

"WAIT FOR MEE" someone screamed from behind, the boys turned around to see Henry running towards them "we have pe first thing in the morning!" Henry said out of breath "Well, save your running for the track not catching up to us idiot!" Drew yelled, slapping Henry on the head "OWW!" Henry yelled whacking Drew back.

"Guys hurry up or we'll be late!" Jake yelled pushing them both off eachother, knocking Drew to the floor "yea okay" Drew groaned, getting himself off the floor. The three walked inside the school to the locker room, Jake went to the back for obvious reasons as he didn't want anyone seeing him changing to his sports binder.

Jake was getting his binder on when heard a snap, Jake looked up in fright and saw a phone camera flash off and disappear, Jake freaked out, he quickly out his binder and his clothes on and ran out of the locker rooms.

With drew and Henry

"Hey where's Jake going, he knows there's a bathroom in here, right?" Henry exclaimed watching the door slam shut, Then drew and Henry's phone went off, along with other peoples phones, Drew picked up his and gasped "what is it" Henry asked peeping at Drew's phone "woah!" Henry gasped, Drew scrolled down to the comments "what a *f-slur*" and "she needs to get out of our school!" Etc.

With Jake again

Jake ran to the music room, Zander was in there "what do you want?" The purple haired boy asked "uh.. I don't know" Zander's phone went off and Jake looked up in fright "Jake what's this about?" He asked, starring at his phone in shock "no no no no no, that was a phone I heard.." Jake started crying "Woah dude, calm down" Zander said hugging Jake "who posted it?" Zander looked at the post again.

"It's an anonymous account.." He sighed looking at Jake "anyway, I didn't know you were trans" he said "That was the point, I bet Drew has already seen the post and hates me" Jake whispered kicking the floor with his foot.

"You can ditch with me if you uncomfortable" Zander said sitting at the drum set "Milly will be here soon as well" as he was saying that Milly burst through the door "I'm here!" She yelled tripping over "Oof!" "watch what your doing you almost knocked Jake over" Zander yelled dragging Milly up off the floor "hey Jake, how are you" Milly asked looking up at him "oh uh I'm fine" Jake said, worrying and putting his hand on the back of his head.

"Have you seen the post Milly?" Zander asked the pink haired girl got up "no I haven't" Jake let out a sigh of relief when he heard that. "Some asshole posted a photo of Jake putting on his binder" Zander yelled pulling is phone and putting the post back up "we don't know who it's from since it's an anonymous account" he continued, shutting his phone off.

"oh, no I didn't see it I left my phone at home!" Milly said. In English, Jake sat far away from everyone in the class, not like anyone was gonna sit next to him after they found out, some kids were whispering around the class room. Jake looked up and saw Zander and Haily staring at him from across the room, Luke was obviously trying to keep to himself but caught a sad, pitiful glance at Jake every few moments.

Jake felt like crying but looked down at his desk, a bunch of kids walked in after and started yelling horrible things across the classroom, soon the door slammed open "BOYS WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT FELLOW CLASSMATES, TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE ALL OF YOU!" The teacher yelled.

After class Jake pushed and shoved his way through the bunch of students leaving the classrooms, "freak" some would yell, pushing Jake over, Jake started moving the other way to the bathroom, he felt like crying so badly he could hardly keep it in.

Jake finally made it to the bathroom, he pushed open one of the stalls and locked it, he couldn't keep it in any longer and started crying, only a few moments later did he hear someone slam open the door to the boys bathroom "Jake?" It was Zander "Jake are you crying?" He yelled knocking on the stall he was in "go away" Jake said as he sobbed.

"I want to be left alone!" He yelled, kicking the door so Zander would stop leaning against it "I want to help you find out who posted that photo!" Zander yelled, "not in this school we'll find them!" Jake sobbed.

Jake was finally convinced to come out of the bathroom by Zander, they both hung out in the music room during breaks and lunch, when class time came Jake was alone in the room. It was 5 minutes until home time so Jake took this time to get his bags and sneak out early.

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