Chapter Four

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Both of then sat on the couch, Drew turned the movie on as Jake snuggled into Drews Chest.

Half way through the movie


Jake got bored, so he slowly started to tickle Drew, and of course, Drew reacted with a giggle "Jake stopp!" he laughed, Jake tickled Drew more, Drew kept trying to push Jake of but he was laughing so hard he couldn't control himself to do so.

So Drew was so puffed out and Jake stopped tickling the poor raspberry, "Screw you dude" Drew laughed punching Jakes arm, "ow!" Jake laughed punching him back. 

"the movies done now" Drew said looking up at the screen.

"ah shoot, I should probably go now Drew." Jake said looking at the time on his phone, Drew replied "Oh okay, See ya Jake.." he said quietly as he yawned.

Jake grabbed his Jacket and walks out, Drew follows so he can watch Jake leave, as soon as Jake walks over near the road, a car comes by, Drew immediately runs over and grabs Jake and pulls him from the road.

the car just keeps driving, Drew holds onto Jake for dear life "Oh god I didn't even see that car.." Jake exclaimed, "well yea, it is dark, I think you should stay over.."  Drew said holding onto Jake tighter. "yea I will stay over".


The next day


Jake woke up in Drews bed, with Drew's arms wrapped around his waist, Jake placed his hand softly on the shorter boys wrist and rubbed it slowly as not to wake him up. 

after a few hours, Drew sleepily opened his eye "good morning sleepy head~" Jake smiled petting the tired boys hair , it was soft, really soft. 

"we should get to school.." Drew sighed getting up.


time skip to school


Jake was walking around the school when he over heard Milly and Zoey, he hid behind a wall where he could still hear them.

"look just give this to him." Zoey said giving Milly an envelope.

"It doesn't say anything bad right?" Milly asked looking at it.

"Just open it up and read the note if you don't trust me!" Zoey said putting her hands on her hips.

"I can open it?" Milly asked confused.

"what did I just say!?" The blonde haired girl yelled swinging her arms in the air.

Milly opened it and read through the note muttering the words, but you couldn't hear her so well  "Omg Zoey this is perfect!" her eyes lighting up.

"Yea yea whatever just go give it to him!" Zoey scoffed, Shooing the pink haired girl away.

Milly ran happily inside the school, Zoey turned around at the same time to where Jake was standing "how much did you hear?" she asked, looking directly at him threateningly.

"I didn't really hear that much I promise!" He said putting his hands up with a scared face.

"You better not have! Its rude to eavesdrop!" Zoey said threadedly.

"Like I said, I didn't hear much you don't need to worry!" Jake said.


After school


Jake was sitting in his bed looking through social media when he saw one of Drews posts.

It had a photo of him and Jake.

"don't see what's wrong with Jake showing himself, he's my best friend and that's HIS life, I met him as a Jake and he will always be Jake, He's not a woman, never was one."

Jake smiled, Then a notification popped up.. from Drew himself.. It was a photo with some silly filter on him. 

it was captioned "Oi reply idiot." 

Jake replied back with another funny filter caption "I'm here"

Drew made another with "Yea but I'm not :(" 

Again, Jake replied back with "You have keys smh" 

"I know" Drew sad with a crying filter on.

"hurry tf up and come over" Jake said, with angry emojis.


when Drew arrived.


Drew had long sleeved hoodie and sweatpants on.

and he looked tired..

"You good?" Jake said, watching Drew sit down next to him.

"yea.. yea i'm fine just-" he was cut off my his own cough.

Jake dragged Drew closer to him "Drew you sound sick!" he yelled.

"no I'm fine Jake.. I'm fine.. It's just a little cough.." he said sneezing into his arm.

"You don't seem fine" Jake scoffed forcing Drew to cuddle up with him, Drew hesitated trying to squirm away but Jake was to strong.

soon Drew fell asleep, Jake took him up to his room and wrapped him in blankets, he then hopped in under the blankets and cuddled with the sleeping boy.


I took way too long writing this, remember to Vote n whatever tf else ur supposed to do lol ;-;

also hi dumb idiots (except you Grapey and Hailey <3)


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