Chapter Five

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Drew woke up in warm covers, and someones arms wrapped around him.

He flipped over and saw lovely Jake, his soft hair and beautiful. His Tan skin glowed in the morning sun as it peeked in through the window.

Drew felt tired still, and sick, very sick, he was scared that Jake was sick aswell.

He tried to move away from Jake but just got pulled back and held closer and tighter.

Jake groaned and nuzzled into Drews shoulder, Drew mumbled angrily as he tried again to escape from Jake.


Like 10 minutes later


Jake woke up and could feel someone shuffling around, it was Drew, "Jake let gooo!" he yelled, you could hear how sick he was by his voice.

"No, don't wanna.." Jake sounded like he was aswell.

"But I made you sick aswell.." Drew groaned.

"Yea but I don't wanna get out of bed.." Jake mumbled silently.

Drew just sat there with his arms crossed as Jakes warm breath was againt his neck.


Jake and Drew finally hopped out of bed and into the kitchen, Drew made himself some cereal and Jake sat down at the table and looked at his phone. 

Drew sat down next to him and rested his head on Jakes shoulder and watched him scroll through photos, liking a few as he went down, Jake sniffled and grabbed a tissue. 

"You should probably get home.." Drew said quietly, wrapping his arms around Jakes neck. 

"Yea, maybe.." Jake groaned leaning his head ontop of the smaller ones head, "but I wanna stay here.." he snickered softly, pulling Drew closer to him, Drew sighed and cuddled up to Jake, moving his head from Jakes shoulder to his chest.

He felt someone nuzzling his hair, he sighed again and closed his eyes, he wanted to sit here forever. 

Usually he would be worried his parents would come down, but they were out for the week. He wanted to go to all the places his mother and father were going one day, with Jake by his side.

however.. all good things must end.. Jakes mother called him, asking for him to return home, Jake slowly let go of Drew and stood up, "I'll come back later I promise Drewy." He said, grabbing his bag and putting his Jacket, clothes and shoes on.

Drewy.. It sounded better when Jake called him it rather than Zoey.. Drew couldn't stop thinking about Jake, wonderful, wonderful Jake..


Timeskip to angst land because I promised it (⊙_⊙;)

just a warning it mentions getting hit by a car D: 


Drew was snapped from his thoughts when his phone started ringing, It was Henry, He answered the phone "whats up?" he said, not expecting Henry to start freaking out.

"Drew, Jakes in trouble!" He yelled through the phone. 

"What do you mean in trouble?!" He  gasped, still taking in what Henry said.

"He was walking on the crosswalk, and some guy just couldnt wait any longer are drove through a red light AND hit Jake." Drew  could hear him panicking.

"Well where are you?" Drew asked, he was Shaking, what if he didnt make it? What if he doesn't want me near him anymore? He shouldn't of let him go..

"At the hospital near your house!" He yelled and gave Drew the exact address, He arrived at the hospital, the receptionst gave Drew the directions to where Jake was.

He almost bumped into Henry and Liam as he ran down the hall, Henry looked like he was about to cry and Liam was holding the green haired boy tightly for comfort. 

A nurse walked out of his room and said we are free to see him now, immediately as she was out of the way he ran in next to Jakes side.

Jake was breathing heavily, his woried expression made Drew want to cry. Henry and Liam followed behind Drew and stood next to him. 

Drew looked down, Jakes arm was all ripped and looked beyond repairs.. 

The nurse came in again "We are going to need to remove his left arm" She said, looking at her clipboard before continuing, "His arm was damaged the most from the hit." She then left the room again.

That about had it for Drew, Tears leaked from his eyes as his wrapped his arm around Jake, He felt a hand on his back, "it's okay, he'll get through.." Liam whispered as he slowly rubbed Drews back.

Yea.. he'll be okay... 


hey I promised angst, you got angst.  (feel free to cry I cried while making this 😭) also feel free to vote for the story! :) 

(also sorry Rima but yea Jake is losing an arm, you can keep it/jjjj)

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