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Six years ago

"Dear family, I want to say that I am safe and you don't need to worry for me. I found a very nice place for children like me to live at and I want you to understand that this was a decision of my own. Now I'm not sure if I will ever see you guys ever again but I want to tell you guys that I love you and I'll miss you all very much. I promise this is the best decision for mine and for all of your guys safety. I hope you understand.
-Love, Jacob"

As I read the note over and over again it broke me even more. I mean how can he just leave? Pick up his bags and leave? Now with my stained teared checks I just came to wonder if our family was really this shitty he had to leave. Also, him saying it was best for all of our safety what did that mean? All these thoughts came flooding to my mind. "What kind of children?"," What does he mean he'll never see us again?", "Was this really the best decision?" I became exhausted with all of my thinking that I let sleep take over me and to have me wonder how my life would be now without my brother.

Time skip to six years

July 16, 2021
Six years have gone by and it is now my 16th birthday. I honestly hated celebrating my birthday it reminded me of another year that's gone by since my brother had left. My parents would try to have a small celebration to cheer me up but it never worked. I would just put up a smile for them to not feel bad. "Happy Birthday Honey!" my mom yelled. " Oh thank you mom" I put on a small smile for her. After some cake and presents it was nighttime now and right as I was going to go to bed I saw something. A shadow? I think. No I could make out a figure of a body but couldn't tell exactly what it was.
"Myszka" I turned around and I couldn't believe who it was.

"Grandpa!" I cried. I couldn't believe it, I mean how? How is this possible? He's dead. "Shh now be quiet my dear, I don't have many time to explain so please listen. You are something known as peculiar." He explained. "No way, like in your stories?" I questioned. " Yes dear just like in my stories. Now your peculiarity is to be able to communicate to the dead. Which explains how you can see me. I will only explain this once but Jacob is perfectly fine. He's safe on an island known as Cairnholm, Wales. He is safe in a loop that keeps him from aging and from the hollows. Now pay attention, I want you to go to this island and find the cave. When you enter it you will go back to September 3, 1943. Find the orphanage and tell Miss Peregrine that Abe Portman sent you." He instructed. I was in shock, how will I ever be able to convince my parents to take me to the island. I had so many questions. "But how will I be able to convince my parents? They wouldn't just take me." I asked. "Myszka, that is for you to figure out. I cant explain anything anymore. My time is running out. Just remember what I told you. I love you Myszka, tell tygrysku too and that I'm proud of him" He smiled. Just when I was about to yell for him to wait he left. I took time to process all this information and to figure out on how to convince my parents to take me to the island where my brother just disappeared too. I decided it was best to worry about this all in the morning and leave me figuring out what to do next.

Hello this is my first fanfic so I'm sorry if this is bad or too slow. Please don't be afraid to criticize! I would enjoy to get some feedback! Thank you, hope you enjoy <3

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