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A random one-shot which I wrote without setting a plot!You're allowed to dislike this because I disliked this too.

The alarm was ringing.'How anoyying,' Brunei thought to himself and turned off the alarm on his phone.The bright screen hurts his eyes too much.5:00 AM,it reads.He sat up from his position and stretched his limbs.Looking around his room,he saw a pair-no.Three pairs of eyes at the entrance of his room.Weird..,didn't he lock his room last night?Probably not,he might've passed out while scrolling through his phone last night and from the tiredness of the piles of papers he helped the others with.

The lights turned on suddenly,resulting the yellow haired country to cover his eyes.Who in the world besides from Singapore would wake up at 5 in the morning?Once his eyes adjusted to the light,he looked back at the entrance.Great,not them again.This is quite unusual to see them wake up early.By 'them' I meant by the infamous trio.Yes,I mean it,it's Malaysia,Indonesia and Philippines.Usually,they were the last ones to wake up as a result of playing M*b*le L*g*nds until past midnight.Hopefully,Viet is awake right now to stop these three from chaos.

"Why...are you three up so early?" Brunei blinked thrice in confusion."Well uhm," Philippines started."Yesterday,Phil got you something so,bye!" Indonesia quickly finished the older's sentence and slammed the door shut before Brunei could ask anything."...You could've just treat the door nicely..," Brunei huffed.He stood up from his bed,went to the bathroom and do his daily routine.

He picked up a stick(which he keeps under the bed when a snake got in his room).Just in case the thing the trio bought for him is dangerous.Hopefully,it is something normal which rarely ever happens when those three gave him something but...since it's Phil the one who gave him this,he put the stick back to its place.He then proceed to look into the plastic bag and oh boy look how relieved he felt but then he took out the 'thing' to take a good look at it.

His eyes softened at the sight off...

A photo album of the whole ASEAN countries including ASEAN himself.It has been a long time since he joined this organisation.Being a shut-in himself,he didn't really care less about the others that much but this really touched him.He cracked a small smile as he found out the words written at the back of the album.

'Thank you for yesterday :D'
-Philippines <3

The yellow haired country chuckled,"Idiot,you don't have to do this just to thank me for doing half of your paperworks."


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