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I dunno man,Kinda into Hetalia rn but nevermind about that.
Malaysia *loses a match in a game*:I want to murder.

Indonesia:No one is stopping you
*Malaysia added Vietnam*
Indonesia:Why did you add him?

Malaysia:He climbed onto my window with his paddle and threatened me to add him into this group chat
Malaysia:I would've died

Vietnam:Damn right,bitch
Timor Leste:Ah fuck
Indonesia:Watch your fucking language
Singapore:I think he's broken.
Malaysia:What do you mean?
Singapore:*points at Brunei covering his mouth, laughing at a video of bread*
Malaysia:I get what you mean.
Myanmar:My stomach growled super loud in french.
Also Myanmar:I would like to clarify that my stomach did not speak in French.It growled in French class.
Laos:Le growl
Cambodia:Hon hon hon,feed me a baguette
Thailand:I'm this close to falling in love with you.
Vietnam:Your fingers are touching.
Philippines:Why are you like this?
Singapore:I used too much 'no more tears' shampoo and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Brunei:Don't stay up all night again,Malaysia.Last time you got this sleep deprived,you tried to eat your own shirt.
Laos:Are you mad?
Laos:So sharpening your parang at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Singapore,looking at a selfie of Malaysia's:I hate this photo.
Malaysia:I'm cute as fuck in that photo!I'm smiling kindly.
Singapore:You're not smiling kindly;you look like you're up to something.
Malaysia:Up to kindness.
Indonesia:The floor is lava!
Brunei:*helps Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea onto the counter*
Malaysia:*kicks Philippines off the sofa*
Singapore:*lays on the floor*
Indonesia:....Are you okay?
Cambodia:Don't go to the kitchen.
Cambodia:There's a spider.
Myanmar:Well,did you kill it?
Cambodia:It has 8 arms while I only have 2,it's not fair...
Thailand:You're smiling,did something happened?
Singapore:What?Can't I smile because I feel like it?
Brunei:Malaysia fell off the stairs today.
Myanmar:Cambodia was banned from the chicken shack,so we had to get out of town to get some.
Cambodia:Well,they shouldn't say "all you can eat" if they don't mean it.
Myanmar:*sighs* Cam,you ate a chair.
Brunei:I want to wake up with you everyday for the rest of our lives.
Singapore:I wake up at 4:30 AM.
Brunei:I want to see you at some point everyday for the rest of our lives.
Laos:Oh just so you know,it's very muggy outside.
Vietnam:Laos,I swear if I step outside and all our mugs are on the front lawn...
Laos:*Sips coffee from a bowl*
Singapore:I actually have a black belt.
Malaysia:In what,Karate?
Singapore:No,in gucci.


Few are original and most are not btw~ I want to write another Singabru story ana~ but I guess probably I should write some IndoMalay

Btw today I got to meet Prince Mateen in person AAAAA

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