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Today is my last chance to visit Indian Museum before my vacation ends tomorrow and I have to go back to college. The only reason I am looking forward for college because, I can spend my free winter afternoons snoozing through books in my library. Fun right?

I am availing metro, from Dum Dum that is around 10 mins late. I don't mind waiting, that's a different story. The sun is bright today. The office hour is gliding away as the middle class crowd of metro is getting lighter. Good for me. Less people, less anxiety. Usually girls of my age would visit the museum with their friends or boyfriend. In my case I would like to excuse myself by saying, my friends are busy, I don't have a boyfriend and I like being alone. My life and men, these are not very coordinating. But that doesn't mean I don't have thoughts on love. I have had occasional crushes back in high school, most of which turned out into disappointment. But there was one boy. You know the type of story where both of you like each other but never got the chance to convey? Yeah he was like that. The metro is here, and today is not about men, but museum.

It takes around 35 mins to reach Park Street in a metro. So glad it was less crowded. Passengers peel out from the tubes as I make my way towards the metro gate. Park street is one of my most favourite places in Kolkata. It gives me a sense of freedom that is hard to find in North Dum dum. There is art, food, literature, history and a touch of high class urban Kolkata. Honestly if I could get a job in the Oxford bookstore or if they would just let me stay there forever, that would have been dream come true. My college friends are going to make fun of me, because am a typical English Major loner! Actually, they think they offend me but I take it as a compliment. The footpath from the metro gate towards Esplanade is always a visual to catch. The art students, the office people, the slum guys trying their best to keep up with the urban trend, the pretty girl waiting for her cab and the young couple fighting over which fruit juice to buy. Advantages of being a loner- you get to observe the world as if you were invisible!

Before entering the museum, I take a few aesthetic pictures and videos for my instagram. The line in the ticket counter is zero. (Yay! Weekdays are best). I grab my ticket, leave my backpack in the bag counter, take my travel journal and pen and make my way towards the security section. The military guy at the gate gave me creeps. I mean, what if there is a terrorist attack? Ugh okay! Not now. History here I come.

After the isle of few security checks, the hall way leads to a big ground surrounded by the museum. At the back, there is a cafeteria and a library. I head first to the pillars section. Specifically of the Buddha period. Pillars, gates, paintings, statues, moulds, everything felt so unreal. I traced the carvings of different gods and demigods and inscriptions probably written in Sanskrit or the Pali language, with my fingers. Touching the past, the history. In my context visiting museum was like a metaphorical time machine. I must have said that aloud unknowingly when someone tapped on my shoulder.


I turned around and found a tall, slim guy wearing a green Lenin shirt and formal pants, smiling at me. I know this smile. This smile has caused a lot of trouble in my high school days. Yes this is that smile. Owner of that smile?

-"Oh my god! Arnav!"

I hugged him out of excitement while my subconscious mind danced in awkwardness. Wow he is more cute now. Those black specs have made him quite the looker.

Arnav blushed nonchalantly when he realised I was staring at him for too long.

-" So how are you? Last time I met you it was Sreya's 18th birthday right?"

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