Part 2- Sophie

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Hola! Enjoy the chapter! 

Onto the book! 

Sophie ran into Havenfield, tears and mascara pouring down her cheeks. She hoped that Grady and Edaline weren't around right now. She really didn't want to be bombarded with questions. Sophie raced past the kitchen, where, of course, Grady and Edaline were enjoying some Mallowmelt at the table. 

Edaline turned around and walked towards me, and Grady did the same. "Sophie! What's wrong? Are you ok?" 

Sophie tried to wipe the tears away, and clean up her face. She was pretty sure she just made it worse. "Please mom, dad, I can't answer questions now. I just need some rest." 

Edaline looked very concerned, "Are you sure? Do you want a slice of Malllowmelt?"

She really loved how Edaline was concerned, It was really sweet, but she just couldn't eat anymore. "No, no. I'll be in my room." And with that, she went to her room. 


Sophie slipped into her bathroom, and  washed her face. As she walked out, she collapsed right in front of Vertina, crying. 

"Umm..Sophie, are you ok?" Vertina came into vision. 

Sophie looked, up, and saw Vertina's concerned face. "Uh, not really."

"Well there's not a lot more for a mirror to do, so tell me what happened! Was it Fitz again? Ugh I never liked him."

"It was Fitz he-"


Sophie glared at the spectral mirror. "Anyway, He set out this enormous picnic and then, when were done, he told me," I choked up. "that his eyes were on someone else," 

"Ugh! Who was it?"

Sophie hesitated a second more, before replying, "Linh," 

"Isn't Linh the sweet Hydrokinetic one?"

I sniffled, "Y-y-yes." 

"Ugh. I think you could do way better. I've had this conversation to many times with Jolie. He doesn't deserve you, and there are plenty more fish in the sea." 

Sophie tried to bring herself to accept Vertina's advice, but Fitz broke her heart. 

Vertina and her talked for a long time, and became quite close. They talked about everything, and Sophie was glad she had a new friend right in her bedroom. About 5:30, (Do elves have time like we do?)  Edaline walked in, a sympathetic look on her face.  She had a plate of some green mushy stuff. She handed me the plate and sat down on my bed. She knew she wanted to know what happened, and she would have to pry it out of Sophie. 

Edaline patted the spot of bed next to her,  and I sat down next to her. I at crisscross towards the middle of the bed. "What happened earlier today?" Edaline asked in her sweet bubbly voice. The only difference, there was dread and pity in her voice. 

I turned my head, gazing through the window. I felt my eyes turn glassy, and my tear duct  welled up. "Fitz gave me and wonderful picnic,"

"What's wrong with that?" Edaline questioned. 

"It wasn't that. He buttered me up, to end up telling me that his eyes were on somebody else, that somebody was Linh" 

Edaline reached over to me, and pulled me into a tight embrace. "Oh, honey," her voice was shaky. 

Sophie turned her head, falling into her arms. She rested her head on Edaline's shoulder, letting more tears. Sophie didn't think she had any left, but here we were. Edaline provided her warmth,  letting herself sink father into her mother's shoulders. Suddenly, her mother let go, grabbing Sophie's sides.  

"Listen Sophie, to be honest, I didn't like Fitz from the beginning. I know you loved him, and sometimes you have to let go of the things you don't want to. That's life." 

Sophie thought about it, and that really did sound like a quote that would be on the cover of a journal. "Thanks, Mom,"

"Anytime," Edaline whispered back. "Now, Verdi's having some trouble eating her Threadleens, so I need to help Grady in the pastures."

"Ok, mom go have fun" I winked at the end.  Edaline nodded, and walked herself out the door. 

A couple seconds later, Biana's face popped up on my imparter. I picked up the small square device, and picked up her hail.

"Hey Biana! Whats up?" I said

"2 things,"

"Ok, go on,"

"I was going to. Anyways, 1st thing, I'm super super sorry for my brother. He is such a jerk," 

"Biana, it's not your fault."

"Still! Anyways, we're having a sleepover at Everglen tonight. Would you like to come? So far, we have Tam, Linh, Fitz, Marella, Keefe, Dex, Stina,  me, and of course, you coming!"

"Ok! I'll come!"

"Ok meet me at Everglen in 20."

Sophie nodded, and clicked off the imparter. She rushed over to her closet, and started to pack her things.

Hey guys! I'm so so so so sorry I haven't posted sooner. I've been quite busy. Anyway I'm here with Siena frantically finishing this 2nd chappy. 

This Chapter is dedicated to Cam, my friend, from like texting, I haven't met her irl, but she's amazing through messages. ;) I will have her username below ↓↓

TYSM! I will now start to write chapter 3! 


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