Part 8- Sophie

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Eepppp Have fun yall 

(Recap but in Sophie POV)

I woke up to a blurry surrounding. Blinding white lights, and rushing blurs of body shapes formed in front of me. 

"Foster?" A familiar voice said.

I waited a second. I found my voice, and my memory. At first, when I woke up, I don't remember anything. It just took me a moment to finally remember. (Idek what this paragraph is and it makes me sad ) 

"Keefe?" I replied. 

(End of Recap but in Sophie POV)

Keefe stared in shock for three seconds, the crushed me in a bone-crushing hug. I let out a small chuckle. I could hear him mumbling, 

"I'm so glad your alive. I'm so glad your alive."

It was like old times. Nothing else mattered in the world. I felt safe, in Keefe's embrace. It made my heart feel warm and fuzzy. Soon I was grinning ear to ear. Keefe slowly pulled apart, then sat on the end of my cot. I looked around, and I was in the Foxfire healing center. Of course. 

Keefe just kept on staring. He cocked his head to the side and stared at me with his brilliant ice blue eyes. They sparkled like the sky splattered with dazzling stars. His pinkish skin gleamed like the sun. It was pleasant for 2 seconds but then got awkward. 

"Um- I- please tell me what's going on!" I shrieked 

Elwin came rushing in with a black tray, I expected a load of medicine and pills, but all that was on the tray was 1 bottle of healing and 3 huckleberry butterblasts. 

"Well hey Sophie! Nice to know that your awake! Want a butterblast? I just got them from the new bakery a couple hours ago!" Elwin cried happily. What was up with him? Guessing by what had just happened in the last few moments, and what I remember last before being in the healing center, I probably went in a coma or something. 

Shouldn't Elwin be more concerned? "Who are you and what have you done with Elwin?" Keefe chuckled. 

The physican rolled his eyes and grabbed another tray like the last one, but full of all sorts of pills and medicines. It's like what I expected from the first tray, but double. "Obviously I was being sarcastic, you should try it sometime." 

Elwin plopped (lol ✨plopped✨) the tray of remedies on the table next to me and smiled. 

"You'll need to take all of these before you get your butterblasts young lady," 

I groaned as I studied the medicine he wanted me to take. They all had little notes of what they were and what they would fix. Like I needed fixing. 

I carefully picked up a skinny bottle with purple gooey liquid inside. The note read: 

                            "Gnome Jam, made of fresh Snotleberry Peaches: Helps relieve stomach and                   kidney issues"

It sounded edible. Back in the Forbidden Cities, I loved peaches. My stomach felt a little churned,  so I popped open the cork. I took a little sniff from the bottle, and it smelled like fresh baked mallomelt. I sighed, I wanted to smell this forever. 

Keefe cleared his throat. "Can I smell?" 

I smiled lightly as I passed the bottle to Keefe. He inhaled sharply and immediately loosened his shoulders. Stress lines disappeared as he continued to sniff. I asked for the Gnome Jam back, and he passed it over gloomily. 

I slowly tipped the bottle into my mouth. At first the taste was delightful, and it taste like Mallowmelt- just how it smelled. But that moment didn't last long. I would've doubled over, accept I was sitting in bed. I coughed uncontrollably thrashing around. It tasted like ghost pepper smoothie times five. 

The Gnome Juice dripped down my throat slowly, and it felt like liquid fire. (Ok y'all who have read House Of Hades know where I'm coming from) A pair of hands gripped my shoulders as tears gather up in my tear duct. They stopped my thrashing and helped me breathe. 

I could here a faint: "Breathe Foster...just breathe."  In the distance. Only half the bottle was gone. The side affects of vision loss and hearing trouble faded away as Elwin rushed in with a vial, exactly like the Gnome Jam, just white. 

"Take this Sophie, this should calm your stomach," Elwin cooed. I gladly drank the liquid, I was about to finish the first half, but Elwin took it away. "You'll need this for the last half of the Gnome Jam," 

I groaned again. "Do I have to?" I complained. 

"Yes Sophie, you have to. It's just your nature to pick the worst elixir on the tray first."  Elwin pulled over a chair and sat next to me, and Keefe scooted closer, ready to hand me the bottle, and take it away. 

I took a deep breath, "Ok, here goes," I snatched the bottle from Keefe and quickly gulped it down. I held my hand open for the white liquid, but I couldn't see anything. My bison was a blurry mess. 

I felt a cool sensation calm my throat. I needed more. My hands found the source and I took hold of it like a baby grasping it's milk bottle. It was gone. I finished every last drop of the white liquid. A set of hand grabbed my shoulders again and lied me down so I was laying flat. 

I swiftly shut my eyes, but just for a moment. I couldn't fall asleep, I've probably been asleep for a couple days, by taking a wild guess. 

When I regained my senses, Keefe  chuckled and handed me a think orange vial of juice. "Ok ready for another round?" 

In about 15 minutes of pure torture, and lovely delight, all the medicine was gone. A healing tray of empty bottles sat at my bedside. 

"Ok, I'm going to put this away. When I get back, your gonna drink a bottle of youth and relax." Elwin instructed. He lifted up the tray, and left the room. 

Meanwhile, I sat up in my bed, about to stand up. Keefe rushed over from his cot right away. 

"Woah, Woah, Woah there Ms. Foster. What do you think your doing?" Keefe asked in a low voice. I giggled and sat back down. I motioned for him to sit with me, too. 

Keefe gracefully sat down and patted my head.

"Um Keefe? I have one question for you." I asked 

"And what might that be?" Keefe answered slyly. 

"Why were you staying in the Healing Center with me?" 

There was a long silence between us. "Well- the truth is I wanted to be there when you woke up, and I wanted to make sure you're were ok at all times," Keefe whispered shyly. 

I blushed. "Aw, thanks Keefe. That's so kind of you! Your such a good friend." Keefe flinched randomly, and I outstretched my arms. He slowly embraced me, white a forced smile upon his face.

"Alrighty Soph! I'm back with your Bottle of Youth!" Elwin called. He tossed me the blue liquid, and it almost slipped out of my hands. 

"Oh, and by the way Sophie, I hired a new assistant a couple weeks ago, and he would love to meet you. He'll be here in a short moment" Elwin commented wile searching through a cabinet.

"Really? That's great Elwin!" I said excitedly. And at the perfect timing, an man walked through the doors of the Healing Center. 

He was drop dead gorgeous. 

"Hey! I'm Dustin, you must be Sophie!" 

Hehe.... You probably know what's gonna happen next! Well.. probably not, I have a lot of twist and turns coming! Love you guys! Sorry for not updating sooner! <333

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