chapter seventeen

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Rainbreeze yawned as she re-entered the camp, Foxfang chattering excitedly with Jaypaw as the father and son padded alongside each other behind her. The blue-grey warrior felt a rush of affection fill her chest as she glanced back to look at her apprentice.  Just behind the two ginger pelted toms, Tawnyfrost walked. The dark tabby shecat's copper eyes shifted around before she branched off from the patrol.

By the time the patrol had went to the WindClan border and back, Rainbreeze was sure Foxfang would've burst with pride. The older warrior was clearly impressed with his son, pride filling his light green eyes as he watched Rainbreeze have Jaypaw scent the area, and as the apprentice caught a mouse for the first time.

"Jaypaw, can you take some prey to Ravensight and Snowfall? Later on I'll see if Cinderflame and Hollypaw want to go to the sandy hollow to train." Rainbreeze instructed, watching as Jaypaw nodded before going to collect another mouse in addition to his own.

"You're a good mentor Rainbreeze. A far cry from when you were a kit who was shy of everyone." Foxfang murmured softly as he came to stand beside her. "While your siblings showcase their bold, blunt personalities well, you remind me of your uncle, Lightningtail. Both of you are more quiet and easy-going."

"My father says the same thing."  Rainbreeze purred, her eyes traveling the camp before fixing on her parents, the two warriors sharing prey alongside Mudstar and Nightmist. Foxfang touched her shoulder gently, his tail flicking away as he made his way towards the nursery where Holly sat, her dark ginger pelt gleaming as she spoke happily with Mistyrain, the newest addition to the den. The ginger warrior nuzzled his mate gently, taking a seat with the two queens.

Rainbreeze sighed as she looked around, a sharp ache filling her chest as she shuffled her paws. 'Stormfall is gone.'

The thought always made her ache. Her brother, the one who had always been there to oversee Cinderflame and her with a sharp amber eye, was gone. She knew he was probably happier but it didn't make her miss him any less. Shaking herself off, Rainbreeze glanced around, her eyes pausing as she caught sight of Tawnyfrost and Owlflame sitting together, their tails rained as they murmured back and forth.

Padding over to the two older warriors, Rainbreeze meowed out a greeting, coming to sit across from them. "How have you been Owlflame?"

"Bored now that I don't have to train you." Owlflame admitted, his yellow eyes gleaming playfully. "But I find things tk help. I am glad that Mudstar gave you an apprentice so soon, although some cats are a bit jealous."

"Hush." Tawnyfrost retorted, her tail flicking his ear as she rolled her dark copper eyes. The tall tabby shecat stretched, her eyes closing briefly. "But I am happy for you Rainbreeze. Jaypaw seems really fun to mentor."

"He is. He's so easygoing and relaxed, I don't envy Cinderflame, Hollypaw seems extremely hyper." Rainbreeze purred lightly as she mentioned her sister's apprentice; the ginger shecat seemed lively and overly eager in comparison to her brother.

"Much like Cinderflame them. Hopefully Mudstar will let me mentor one of Mistyrain's kits." Tawnyfrost meowed warmly, her eyes gleaming.

"You'd be a good mentor. Larktail and Sagefern both tell me how good of a hunter you are, and how beautiful."'Owlflame purred.

"Larktail and Sagefern have more time on their paws then needed if they're trying to set me up with such a grumpy, argumentative tom." Tawnyfrost sniffed, her copper eyes full of amusement as Owlflame scoffed.

"Who are you calling grumpy, you're just a cheeky kit." Owlflame teased, his whiskers twitching as Tawnyfrost batted at him playfully, the two soon trading playful retorts back and forth as Rainbreeze watched.

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