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I turn around and saw him, none other than Arnaldo Gutierrez and Antonio Black. Arnaldo looks so surprised seeing me while at the other side, Antonio looked so pissed. "Pardon?" I asked about holding the anger that was about to rise, this scumbag said everything to Antonio, it's kind of my fault since I didn't tell him about it, but still.

"Why are you here? And them too!?" He said furious pointing towards my friends.

I heard the other boys cursing under their breath wishing to god that some miracle would do a thing and make Antonio calm down but I guess god doesn't exist right now since a devil himself is in this room. I saw Matteo entered the room as well suppressing his laughter. "Why? Is it forbidden for us to go here? And you already said that we will work here so maybe a tour would be great for us before we work here, right?" I started taking my seat on the couch on the corner.

"Plus, Mr. I don't know who. Don't call me Ivy, how many times do I need to say that I am not that goddamn girl. I am Aurora Dallarosa not Ivy Black." I said sarcastically which makes Antonio more furious.

"Stop being such a sarcastic bitch Ms. Goddamn Dallarosa because you and your friends already signed a contract which contains rules that you needed to follow or else you'll come to some consequences." He said taking his sit opposite to me while the other sat and joined as also. I don't know what to say, I already find myself being sarcastic and being mischievous again and I wanted to stop it since it might lead on something.

"Fine." I said giving him a firm nod deciding not to talk anymore, the room filled with nothing but silence.

"Let's go back at the house." I said wanting to end this shit, standing up as I go out of the room with my friends. I hurriedly go to the car not giving any of my attention to anyone, my mind is filled with chaos. I don't know if things are going wrong or right, everything on me is so fucked up and I don't know what to do anymore.

Going back to the house is the longest hour of my life, the car is filled by nothingness since no one wants and has the guts to utter a single word. Entering the house I ran towards my room and closed the door and lay at the bed rethinking everything. A unseen tears flow down my cheeks as loud sobs filled the emptiness of my room. I feel so useless, that everything that I have done is just nothing but a failure. Everything that's surrounding me becomes black as I try to cope with my breathing, I failed and I let the darkness come over me.

Nothingness, I see no one except a two lovely couples in whites talking happily, they are the cutest. Looking at each other's eyes like no one is there in the world, like they're just the two person who existed. I wanna see them closely so I ran towards them but my feet doesn't cooperate and it seems like someone is stopping me from getting near them.

Everything changed when I witness a dreadful scene, both of them laying at the floor full with their own blood. Looking for someone who can help me but it seems like no one could nor would, I feel so helpless. My heart was beating nonstop as I saw my own hands holding the gun. What have I done? I didn't mean to do that, I would never kill them.

I felt so confused, why would I just do that? I am helplessly shouting for some help. No one, there's no one that will help me, a pair of heels are coming towards me...looking for whom it is I froze, Camilla?

I heard a loud bang at my door. "Rory?" I heard Pauline and Kylie from the other side, I was about to stand up but felt dizzy, I waited for a couple of seconds before I could manage to get up and open the door.

"What happened? Are you okay?" They both asked worriedly.

"I am okay, don't worry." I said going towards the bathroom and start changing. After I changed, both of them where already gone. I closed my room and got my laptop underneath my bed, I checked everything. Seeing that they all responded with different reasoning such as 'Don't bother me, I don't know anything'. I wouldn't get any information to them coz they're probably old as fuck but at least, I tried.

I think of any possible way to get any information, my smart ass mind thinking about something, it's the M.R.I which is a file of things where you can find everything about the underground world, Camilla said that everything in Mafia should be recorded for an obvious reasons and purposes. But the problem is, how would I get the access to get it? It's in my room, Ivy's room, there's a hidden room there where I store everything.

I heard someone coming to my room, I hurriedly put back my laptop and mentally thought of something to get the M.R.I, I waited for the person to knock at my door but I heard nothing. I open the door to see no one, looking to my left and right as I see Antonio's room closes. I go downstairs to find them nowhere, they're probably doing something important.

They're all nowhere so I think maybe this is the best time to go and get the files. I go to Ivy's old room and quietly open it and quickly close it. I am shocked at the scene, nothing has been moved nor gone...everything is on it's place except the chairs at the balcony. I silently go to the bookshelf whereas the hidden button where found I click it and a door slowly reveals. It's just a small door with nothing except a vault. Entering the code as it successful open revealing a hard drive.

I get it and quickly and stuff it in my pocket and quickly get out of the room like nothing happened as I go back to my room and hide the drive. I spent the whole day in my room more on analyzing what's my next step for almost an hour then I go to the garden with Pauline and Kylie and end the day by eating dinner with the boys except of course Antonio coz of some 'business' which is great coz I wouldn't get to see him.

July 4th 2021

My mind looks like u, now i forgot what i look like.

i hope y'all are doing great!!

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