Chapter 1: The Big Move

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 Best plane ride EVER! My friends Cleo, Nikki, Teddy, and Jessa, our dreams finally coming true. Sharing a rent to a beautiful apartment in London, England living together. How could life get any better? With the plane landing in London my friends set out to make it the worst plane ride for anyone ever! 7 hours full of stifled giggles and outburst of laughter coming from 2 rows that held the obnoxious people I call my friends. Walking slowly to baggage claim, Nikki thought it would be a great time to pop a joke. 

  "This place holds more baggage than my mothers back" I felt kinda bad for the people passing us at the time. I couldn't help, but laugh. Only to receive dirty stares from the peers around us. With me trying to hush everyone up and making sure everyone had all their bags, I forgot to pay attention to the others around me.

  With one quick turn and rushing off, clumsy Steph runs straight into a hard chest that almost knocked me on my arse if it wasn't for the stranger to hold me up. "Oh I'm so sorry, here let me help you." I call while slowly making my way to the floor to help pick up some article I made the soon to find out was a woman drop. 

  "Don't apologize it's fine, but I must be going or I will be late" taking a liking of the sweet sound of the British pouring from her lips I zone out. Only to return to the fact she forgot her phone and business cards. Being the loving and caring person I am I soon decide to call her office tomorrow. Ripped from my thoughts about the mystery women Nikki called my name. 

  "Stephine, you ready? We all have out bags, I think we should get to the 'Flat.'" Nikki winked her eye " and get our clothes put away before the trucks get here with the rest of it" With those words everyone grabbed there stuff and hauled a taxi to our new called home. 


  "You guys wanna go out and snag some 'hot British men'?" I flirtatious said with a wink as we all circled around in out living room. "I'm all in for anything to do with a party and hot men with accents" Cleo joked with a wide smile on her face. 

  "No, you're all in with anything to do with showing off your 'Bum' to every guy in sight" Teddie laid it on while we all laughed only leaving Teddie and Cleo to have a glare down till the both cracked a smile.

   "In all seriousness... you guys wanna go out because I'm in desprate need of a cosmo" I smirked and Jessa nodded "We're in, as long as Cleo and I get to Denna dance" With that Jessa started to grind all on our new couch. 

  "That settles it we're going out" Nikki announced, hoping up I did my little happy dance before the 5 of us spilt up do different corners of the house to get ready. After enough time to burn someone slowly we all walked up to the door in short tight dresses, stilettos, and lots of lip gloss. 

  "Time to show these British men how us American girls do it and we do it the right way." Cleo winked and we all careful started chatting away about the most randomist things on the way to the club. Aw it's nice living with close friends. 


How you guys liking it...? Hope you are because it takes some effort to write. Mostly at 3am on a Sunday knowing I have school tomorrow. I just know I'm going to die a slow painful death tomorrow. Wish me luck!! 

Comment/Vote/Fan I'll love you 5ever ;) 



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