Chapter 4: DaddyD100

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   The Ride to Liam's house the next day wasn't very... as you could say exciting as most of our car rides. Cleo was driving and the only sound was the soft hum of a sad song on the radio. Other than that just a bunch of puffs and twiddled thumbs. The nervousness level sky-rocketed as we pulled onto the road. Teddie who got the pleasure of riding shot gun keep an eye out till she saw the number he gave us. The first words were spoken as Teddie told Cleo to turn in. From the looks as we drove up the drive there was a  castle looking thing that was surround by a fence that seemed to lock us in here like prisoners the deeper we drove in. Slowly but surely Cleo got out the car and headed for the door with a few following. I was the last to get to the door due to the fact I walked slowly studying the surrounding's

   The house itself had a bed of flowers ranging from Roses to Daises. The lining of the fence was covered in Oak trees and a few Dogwoods. A passage way to the door was a nice stone and pebbles to surround the stepping stones. Walking past the cars you can see a slight view of what looks to be a swing set in the back. All in all the outside looked well keep. 

  Jessa's shaky hand goes to reach for the door bell and we all stand while the ring chimes the chorus of 'I Believe I Can Fly' 

 A slight giggle erupts between us, but is soon dismissed when the door is opened by no other than Haley the girl Nikki brought home. I wonder what happen to her. "HAYY," Her squeaky high pitched voice reached to the height that I wanted to cover my ears "Come on in, make yourselves at home." Single-file lining it all the way into a room the looks to be either a Living Room or Game room we all take a seat. Haley informs us the guys are making themselves look "Pretty" and spends a good 5 minute's making fun of how much a girl these guys could be. Laughing at some of her jokes I tune her out half-way through due to the fact it was my turn in WWF.

  I must've not been paying attention because soon I was shaken by Nikki "Yo, let's go we need to eat stop being such a nerd." After she finished winking I stuck my tongue out at her and followed her into the dining room laughing. I finally took in what we were doing. WE WERE HAVING DINER WITH ONE DIRECTION! OMG! Picture this... you and your friend walk in a random persons dining room laughing over a inside joke to soon be snapped out of your witty laughter by looking up to see the members of a hot British-Irish boy-band giving you confused glances. With one exception Liam was smiling at me. 

  "So I believe you all know who we are, but sadly we have no idea who you lovly ladies are." Harry winked and cocked his heart-breaking smirk in my direction making my knees go weak with fangirl. I stumbled on my words as I see Liam give Harry a glare that if looks could kill he would be in flames burning to death. Harry being completely oblivious to the secret messages Liam was sending he urged me to speak up. 

 Slowly pointing out my friends I take notice in what were all dressed in. "This is Teddie." Pointing the the semi short girl with dyed white hair that was in a nice braided bun, A creme knitted jumper with a pair of jeans and pink flats to match her white rose earrings and diamond heart necklace she never takes off. It seems Teddie can work anything, yet make it look amazing and deserves to be on a runway. "Nikki" Shortest out of the 5 of us we all tower her. Nikki always puts up this IDGAF kinda look. Like now, simply dressed in a monster hoodie, ripped jeans, to top it off studded black flats. A monster snap back and the simple black ribbon ring that has a big story behind it and zebra print nails, 'simple but effective' as Harry Styles would say. "Cleo" Pointing to the middle girl who seemed to go all out. Almost like she was dressed for an interview. A white tee under her nice blue blazer white jeans to compliment the tee and tap-shoe high heels. Black nails to go a long with the theme and a matching black handbag. "Jessa" Jessa and I are the Tallest of the group Jessa also likes the IDGAF clothing theme but she make it look classy and elegant at the same time. A gray blouse, faded ripped jeans, and a pair of black lace up sneakers to kick it off and painting her nails white and a infinite necklace to make a big finish. She belongs on a run-way. 

  "And Fianlly I'm Stephine, but you can call me Steph." I smile and starting to have doubts on my striped sweater, black skirt, and slick black open toed heels to kick it off. Keeping it simple I painted my nails black with a stripe of glitter and a stone ring with the words LOVE engraved. 

  We all waved while they all flashed us the heart throb smiles and smirks. Quickly taking our seats across from the boys I can see Jessa playing footsie with Niall at the other end of the table. Me on the other hand is sitting quietly in-front of Liam and Harry. Cleo to my right and Teddie to my left. Harry keep trying to get some reaction from me as his white converse slid up and down my calf, but the spark wasn't there. Don't get me wrong Harry is a Greek god it's just I don't think he would be suited for me. On the other hand I caught glimpses of Liam staring at me and each time I notice the butterflies would flutter, and he would notice the smile on my face and look away and a light pink tint would spread across his soft and sweet looking cheeks. 

  After a delicious dinner we all sat in the living room till the door bell rung, a giggle escaped my lips and Teddie and Nikki busted out laughing. Zayn getting up soon mutter something along the lines of 'We should REALLY get that changed' 

  Soon returning 5 new girls stood in the living room giving us judging glances.. Maybe we shouldn't be here.... 


CLIFF HANGERS! Gotta luv them! Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but you know I'm a procrastinator. If you wanna see the girls outfits you can go to the links that will be listed below :) Also sorry for the un-exciting chapter but you know back ground info








Teddie's Outfit


Nikki's Outfit


Cleo's Outfit


Jessa's Outfit


Steph's Outfit


We All Make Mistakes; A One Direction FanFiction (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now