Chapter 5: New Found Love & Jealousy?

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  Not going to lie how beautiful these girls were made Caroline Flack pale in comparison, and that's saying allot! There harsh glares of disapproval made me cringe in my seat. After the girls rudely pushed and shoved us away from the boys so they could seat beside them Zayn thought it was a good idea for introductions. 

 "Okay," Zayn sighed and clapped his hands as if trying to break the thin line of tension forming on the room. "Lets all say 'Hi'." 

 "This is Lana, Rose, Joy, Nicole, Chloe" Pointing each of them out I took a good look at how they set themselves up. Lana and Chloe looked the tallest out of the group sitting with there backs straight and chins up I soon realize that my slouching position is very un-lady-like. Rose and Nicole were the shortest and looked proud to be it, they may try to sit up straighter and pop out their chest more, but they pulled it off due to the fact Harry's eyes kept sneaking glances there way. Finally we have Joy... from the looks of it she is just like the others perfect arch in the back and chin up in spuriousness. Yet you know she likes Liam, they way she smiles at him and slightly rubs her heel against his calf. it's weird Liam doesn't seem to notice and Joy gets the point and quits.

 The better side of me kicked in when Zayn started saying our names I kept a smile on my face and waved the whole time. Only receiving glares in return I soon stopped smiling when the intros were done and they went to ignoring us. Me, being the good friend I am noticed the uncomfortable position my friends were in. And as if reading my mind Cleo stood up and announced our departure. 

  "Sorry we're going to have to go, it was real nice of you all to invite us. Also to have the pleasure of meeting your lovely friends" Cleo struggling on the word 'lovely' but got it out when Jessa elbowed her in the arm. With one quick wave we all headed to the door till Niall walked in front of us. 

 "OH NO YOU DON'T" He held up his hand and snapped his fingers while somewhere behind us a quite mumble came from Louis 'I'm the sassy one!' "You just got here stay a little longer we're going to pop out the broad game monopoly and have a quick game." Giving a slight smile the girls shrugged and nodded. Me on the other hand was NOT going to sit another minute in this hell hole that has Joy clinging over Liam.

  And no! It is not Jealousy! I simply just hate that and think it's disrespectful to the woman population. I mean she is basically throwing herself over him like a helpless puppy I have the right to judge. So HA! 

  "Hey you guys," I half wisper from behind the girls. Slowly turning around they give me questioning glances "I think I'm going to walk to Starbucks and chill out there. I don't really want to stay here." I glance at Liam and Joy. They all follow my ice old stare and turn back to me with pity filled glances. Jessa simply nodded her head and everyone else followed. 

  "Okay, but remember no car rides with strangers and if someone tries to attack you take off you heel and stab him"  Nikki goes over the rules I repeat to them every time they go out. We all laugh and they hug me. 

  "Hey, um... I'm just gonna go my friends are staying, but I have to get up early tomorrow for a job interview. So I think I'm just going to go." It wasn't a complete lie, but not the full truth. I did have a job interview tomorrow, however it wasn't till around 12pm. The guys just nodded and I lead myself to the door. 

  I was about half way down the road from the gate opening when I heard my name being called. Slowly turning around I saw Liam running towards me, "Oh no you don't. I'm not letting my new best friend go out alone like this at night"  Hearing him say friend made my heart flutter. I'm so not falling for The Liam Payne 

  We started walking towards a Starbucks. I'm guessing he saw me shivering and took it upon himself to wrap his arm around me. You know in stories when they say guys are like huge teddie bears. You have NO idea how right they are. I swear to you when he wrapped his arm around me I felt as if I just had a heating blanket wrapping me up burrito style. 


  "So your telling me, at the age of 6 you punch a kid in the nose for stealing your snack time cookie?" Liam barely could get the whole sentence out without laughing. I simply nodded and laughed some more. It took us about 15-20 Min's to get to the Starbucks once we got here we ordered and sat down at a quiet table in the corner and started sharing childhood stories. I knew most of his, but it was great hearing him telling them with so much enthusiasm. 

  Sadly after the last story Liam called a Taxi and drove me to my flat. "I had a lot of fun today, thanks Steph" He said winking. I could see him slowly inching towards me till the impact came. His soft lips met my chapped one. It felt magically! Till I pulled away and shot out of the cab as fast as that one guy off the Olympics. No way in gos green earth was I ever going to like/love Liam Payne. I have gone through enough heartbreak and humiliation to last a life time. 


 Hey howdy hey, Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but I've been drowning in school work. Now I have a free weekend for writing and I'm taking advantage of it. So don't be scared if I update more than once this weekend. Hope you have a good break off of anything and chill out because I am. 


1.)  Why do you think Steph can't like Liam?

2.) Who do you think broke Steph's heart?


Team Harry?

Team Liam?

Team Single and Ready to mingle? 

(Also if you guys want to do Q&A with any of the character from the story you can just post a question and to who and it will be featured in the next chapter) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2013 ⏰

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