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Y/n is a Female

She is Kind, and loving, stands up for her friends when she needs to. But is a bit cautious of herself and a little insecure (Also, After this story, do you want me to make a Flippy x Fem Reader? Comment Below)

F/f: Favorite Food
F/s: Favorite Show
F/p: Favorite Place
F/f': Favorite Flavor
F/g: Favorite Game
F/s': Favorite Song
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair length
(Unless you want to go by Fur Color/Legth)
E/c: Eye Color
A/s: Animal Species

Good News! Kid Friendly story, though Injuries is still a thing, but no kills

Nutty will be ridiculous, as always. 😚

I suggest you being 13+ to read this story

There wont be any cussing, but there may be unnecessary things and words in here, like relationship names

You will be Besties with Petunia, Giggles, Flaky, and Lammy (Cuddles too if you want! 😊)

TWs' will be in this story

It will be hard for you to fully get along with Nutty in this story, but you will eventually!

You all will be animals (Like in Happy Tree Friends)

Everyone will have more common sense, like 40% more smart than in the show 😂 (Yes, Even Lumpy.....kinda...well, he will kinda act like Goofy from Mickey Mouse)

And I think that's it! I hope this story gets alot of reads and you guys like it! Enjoy!!

"In The Name Of CANDY!!" ~Nutty x Fem Reader~Where stories live. Discover now