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                         (Y/n's Pov)

I taking a nice walk through the neighborhood, its sunny skies and friendly smiles. It's been a week since that insane Hide and Seek game we've played in the forest, and yet Cuddles always seem to blame himself or so on, always claiming that everyone could've been wiped out because of him. We all keep telling him over and over that it's not his fault, even Flippy tried convincing him that its not his fault, and that got him to finally give in and agree. I'm happy things been going normal lately. As I was walking, I saw Giggles in the distance with a crowd and decided to approach her "Hi Giggles!" I cheered "Oh, Hey Y/n!" She said, faking a smile. I could tell something was wrong "Giggles? What's wrong..." I asked firmly, she hesitated, but then spoke "Weeeeell, turns out Nutty and Flippy got into a fight..." I gasped and started to panic "B-But don't worry! Flippy didn't flip out! It just...got a little, tad bit, physical." She finished, I then pushed through the crowd and made it up front. I saw Nutty and Flippy arguing "You can't just eat Candy all day! Be more physical with your health! Punish yourself!" Flippy yelled, I then approached the two "What's going on!?" I asked "Well, I was just walking with Flaky until this crazy maniac came, offering us candy. When Me and Flaky declined, he got mad and decided to keep asking, but once me and Flaky said no a couple more times, he threw a Sucker (lollipop) at me! It got stuck on my fur and Flaky helped me got it off. Now I'm trying to tell him why he needs to chill and take a more healthy path by eating other foods than just candy all day! How does he even stay in shape...." Flippy mumbled the last sentence, Flaky then came up in tears "*hic* *hic* I may have a p-phobia of Flippy, but he..is still a friend! N-Nutty even threw candy at m-me too, then he jumped on top of me *hic* and started licking me! He licked my face, where he threw the candy!" She said sobbing. I looked at Nutty who was eating his candy angrily and running away, I sighed "Yeah, I'll talk to him..." I then walked off, going the direction Nutty had went, I felt like I was being watched, but I brushed it off and kept walking. I made it to a field with lots of green grass and space. I saw Nutty under a tree, hugging a big piece of chocolate, I went to him and sat next to him. He looked up at me, then back down guilty "Hey Buddy. I know that you feel down. But its gonna be okay. What you did was wrong, that's for sure, but no matter what...I will always forgive you. I won't blame you for trying to get others to love candy too, but forcing them to like it as much as you is putting alot of pressure on them. If they say no, it's a no. But again, I don't blame you buddy. I love you Nutty!" I said, he looked at me, regardless of how guilty he felt a minute ago, he gave a huge smile and hugged me "Thank You, Baby!" He said, making me blush. This is his first time calling me a relationship nickname after we agreed to be Boyfriend and Girlfriend. I hugged him back happily. "Y/n!!!" I heard a voice say, I knew I was being followed...."Huh?" Me and Nutty said in unison just for us to meet eyes with Flippy "Come with me...alone. I have to tell you something." He said reaching a hand out to me, I took his hand and stood up, I turned to look at Nutty as a sign to not let his guard down. Flippy then took me behind a tree silently as I stood next to him in utter confusion. I hope he wasn't gonna try anything, he then crossed his arms and tapped his foot, looking down at the ground embarrassedly. He started blushing, it took him a while to speak, everytime he was trying to say something, nothing came out, just 'Eep's and 'Yelp's. He finally spoke up after a moment, and I listened in carefully "Y/n..." He pinned me against a tree "Ever since I first had eyes on you, I couldn't get you off my mind. Your Beautiful E/c Eyes, Your soft H/c Hair, and your interesting Personality. It's all too overwhelming to let go...and one day, I want to experience marriage." He continued "So...I was hoping that you can ditch that dumb dodo head and be with me-" "I-I'm sorry! I'm not interested." I cutted in. He looked at me blankly as if I said one of the world's most unused word, but it was true, I just became Boyfriend and Girlfriend with Nutty so why would I just ditch him straight off the bat. He smacked my arm, but lightly "Say Yes." He got extremely close, I then pushed him away "NUTTY!!!" I called out, and Nutty came and pushed the green bear off of me, tackling him to the ground. He started to hit him until Flippy grabbed his arm and stopped him "Okay! Okay! I'll stop, I'm sorry!!" He said in defeat, Nutty growled like an wild beast, narrowing his eyes angrily. Flippy then pushed Nutty off and stood up and came to me, I was a couple of inches shorter so I had to direct my head up a little, just for him to pick me up bridal style and start running "Wha! NUTTY!!" I cried out. Nutty was behind us trying to chase him, but sadly, Flippy was faster. He ran from the field deep into the woods somewhere near and went to a hiding spot where Nutty couldn't find us. He sat me down and sat next to me "Ok, Ok! Look, I-" he stopped seeing the tears in my eyes "Awwwwwww, No no no no no! Don't cry, okay? I know this isn't like me, but I want you desperately! Your so kind hearted and pretty, did you know that?" He complimented, I then balled myself up in a corner, Flippy crawled closer "I want Nutty..." I mumbled, but he somehow heard me. Bears must have very good ears. "I know...but hear me out-" He was cut off by Nutty jumping on top of him once again and tumbling to the ground. Nutty quickly got up and grabbed me and started running. We ran leaving Flippy behind.

Once we made it back to town, Nutty ran us to Cuddles house and knocked on the door, Cuddles opened the door. Me and Nutty ran into the house, leaving Cuddles to shut the door. Giggles was sitting at a table and saw how panicked me and Nutty looked "Woah, woah, woah! What's going on you two?" She asked concerned "Flippy." Me and Nutty said in unison. Her eyes widened in shock "What did he do now?!" She asked "Hehehehehehe!! He tried to take Y/n away, but he c-couldn't B-B-Beat me!! So we came here cuz we thought if we went to Y/n's place or e-even mine, He would find us!" Nutty said stuttering a bit, still huffing from all the running we did. Giggles placed us on the couch and made us tea "Soooooo, where is he now?" Cuddles asked, head tilting a bit "We don't know, I'm just glad he didn't Flip." I sighed in relief after I said that. "Yeah. Flippy been making a bit of scenes lately, but I'm sure you and Nutty will keep up a relationship...right?" Giggles asked "Of Course!" I said happily while giving Nutty a side hug "Nice!" Cuddles added.

      ~Time Skip Brought to you by-

3 Months soon went by since Flippy caused that scene, of course he been doing it here in there, but soon realized that Nutty is my one and true love! All my friends in the town then told me they were gonna throw a huge party, just like awhile ago when I first moved into town, I agreed due to Nutty Begging me to go. 'I bet you he's only going for the Candy' I then put on my F/c (Favorite Color) Dress and a matching headband. I grabbed my phone and keys, I then proceeded to head to the party, locking the door behind me. It was being thrown Outside at a Nearby Park. I went as directed and saw all my friends having fun, I checked the time and saw that it was 5pm. I got here at a good time "Y/n!! Over here!! Hehehehehehe! I found a bunch of Candy!!" I heard Nutty call out, Nutty Is so ridiculous "Nutty? Are you shoving your face with Candy Again?" I asked playfully as he giggled and nodded as a yes. I Laughed. I then saw Lifty and Shifty approach me, I froze "Hey...we just wanted to say we're so, so sorry for what we did a couple of months back, Right Shifty?" Lifty admitted "Your Right Lifty, and I'm extremely sorry for Scratching you all over the place like a psycho...I can see you got better!" He tried enlightening the mood "Yeah! Don't worry about it guys! I forgive you! As long as you promise not to do that again..." I said as they affirmed that they won't do it again.




Everyone jumped in fear as we all turned our head towards the booming sounds, it was Lumpy, he was blowing fireworks...a bit too close though, yet nobody got hurt "Let's celebrate!!!" He cheered...but isn't he aware!? Doesn't he understand!? Flippy has PTSD and could react horribly to Loud sounds, it might even make him Flip! Lumpy brought the wrong 'Interference' to the party. Everyone looked at each other with worry...

'What's going to Happen!?'

A/N: Hey Guys, this was chapter was a tad bit rushed and wasn't thought through due to me writing this super early in the morning, so I hope you all enjoyed! I may not post for a minute until I prepare next or last chapter! TwT stay tuned guys!

(Shout Out to Death_herself for being the Best Bestie I could ever have!)

"In The Name Of CANDY!!" ~Nutty x Fem Reader~Where stories live. Discover now