"Get Flipped, Add Inspiration"

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TW: Weapons - Possibly Crying - Possibly Injuries

                       (Y/n's Pov)

Flippy then started to twitch and whimper, everyone watched in horror. We all knew it was Lumpy's fault for blowing the fireworks, I thought he'd know better due to how many times Flippy Flipped Out. We were all holding on to each other and shivering in fear, I held on to Cuddles who prepared to protect me, Nutty stepped in front of me too. Flippy's bear tail started shaking along with hands. He gave us a intense look before his eyes shifted yellow and his he gave a sly yet scary grin "RUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!" Disco Bear shouted, and with that, we all ran. The whole town was there, so it was definitely horrifying to be chased by one Bear who could rip all of us apart in a second, The Mole couldn't see, so Petunia had to carry him while running. I kept count of everyone, there's 20 people running, counting me makes 21, and Flippy makes 22. We all made sure to stick together "Guys! Guys! Don't seperate!! We have to stay together to know that we're all here and to find a safe place together!! I know this underground shelter that I went to once, let's go!!" Cuddles claimed, leading everyone. As the direction we were going was a smooth path, it was easy enough for Fliqpy to slide in front of us and we all almost slipped "RUN THE OTHER WAY!!" Giggles screamed, we all listened and we followed Cuddles another way. It was dark outside, so we all were scared if Fliqpy could find his ways of catching us better since we won't be able to see him. While running, I was grabbed on the arm by Fliqpy "Hehehehee!!" He laughed "H-HELP!!" I cried out, everyone stood there in fear, until Cub came and kicked Fliqpy on the leg "AAAAH!!" he feel on the ground as I picked up Cub and continued running with the rest "Thank You Cub!! Your so brave!!" I babied him and cuddled him, he giggled happily "Guys!! Look!! The underground shelter I was talking about! It's here!!" Cuddles Cheered as he motioned everyone inside. He stood there "C-Cuddles?" I question, he was preparing to close the shelter, but I stopped him "What Are You Doing!?" I said with worry "Fliqpy is gonna find you all, If he doesn't at least hurt one person, he's gonna hurt all of you! He won't be satisfied until at least one person is out." He claimed "W-What are you saying?" He looked down shamefully "Y/n...It means I must make a sacrifice, for you all..." I looked at him in shock, was Cuddles going to die!? I didn't want him to....I...he....we are best friends...I can't lose him "Cuddles No!!!" I grabbed his hand, he then looked at me with tears in his eyes "I-I'm sorry...but it's all for you." He said confidently while saluting, Sniffles then walked up to him and shook his hand "Good Luck Buddy...Good luck." They then nodded as Cuddles walked out the shelter, giving everyone a small wave, closing the door. I started Crying and Handy came to pat me on the back, soon to realize he had no hands. He then grumbled, but softened his look "Hey, Don't worry Y/n...Cuddles will always be with you....spiritually." After he said that, I burst into tears more "HANDY!!" everyone complained "Oops." He said smiling awkwardly, blushing a bit. 'I hope he's okay...'

                     (Cuddles Pov)

I walked through the back of town, worried If Fliqpy was near...he was. There he stood, with two bombs at hand. He grinned "So, Came to Challenge me...?" He asked "Fight Me!!" I yelled out. He came running towards me as fast as a lightning bolt. But just when he got close enough, I squeezed my eyes shut...preparing myself for what I was about to do...I thought about all the times me and the others spent together....

Nutty Chasing me for the Ice Cream I had in my Hand~

Giggles and I having a snowball Fight~

Me and Toothy throwing snowballs at people~

And Y/n....She was a best friend of mine for a long while...she was nervous to move to Happy Tree Town, but I encouraged her to come. She used to be lonely, dark, and sensitive. I gave her a gift of a more bubbly personality. Of course she's still sensitive, but she has me as a friend and a person to look up to when needed. I told her how nice everyone was here, and she trusted me. We were always there for each other, and now all of those times I've spent, will count and Matter to this moment I won't let go to waste.

"In The Name Of CANDY!!" ~Nutty x Fem Reader~Where stories live. Discover now