A Hero, Nutty. "You..."

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TW: Fighting - Injuries - possibly Crying - Blood and Mentions of Blood - Weapons

A/N: Enjoy! Also pretend that you have the whole town's Numbers and that your all of their Friends except for some.

(Y/n's Pov)

'I couldn't believe what I saw' I thought It'd be Nutty, I thought It'd be Flippy...but no...it was those two....

Lifty.....and Shifty...had to be them.

And they somewhat have Lumpy with them. I screamed, but got my mouth covered by Shifty. All I can make is shuffled screams. Lifty then Came forward and began to tie me up, from my mouth, arms, and legs...I couldn't fight back "Heheheh!" The two Raccoons Laughed "Huh? I thought you two said that we were paying her a visit, not robbing her place!" Lumpy said "SHUT UP AND HELP US!! We will, uuuhhhhh...Hang Out with her after! She asked us to do this for her cuuuuz, were not robbing her place! She asked us to move it all for her cuz she wants tooo... Move Again! Yeah!" Lifty lied. Lumpy threw me in the back of their van "We'll be back shortly, sweetheart! Hehehehe!!" Shifty flirted while shutting the van closed. I was helpless, I couldn't do a at this point. How could anyone-


I felt something in my pocket vibrate, My Phone!! I forgot I accidentally left it in my pocket, but I'm so glad I have it with me! Wait, but how am I gonna get it, I'm tied up, and i can't move, plus Lifty and Shifty will be back shortly! I saw a sparkly reflecting Object stuck to the van...a knife! I rubbed my knees, practically crawling, to the sharp Object. I turned around, and rubbed the sharp object on the rope around my arms, I finally succeeded! I heard distant talking and I immediately pulled out my phone and texted any of my friends, but the van doors swung open and I couldn't hide my phone in time "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? CALLING THE COPS!! NOT ON MY WATCH LITTLE MISSY!!" Shifty yelled while snatching my phone away and scratching my eye. I had a huge scar on my face, it was bleeding. Lifty gasped "Duuuuuuude, you were Not supposed to hurt her! This was supposed to be a clean crime!" Shifty then looked at me maniacally in an uneasy way, until his eyes softened in worry "Uuh...Oops! I j-just got mad...but that felt good." He ended his sentence with a huge grin and Scratched me on my other eye, I screamed and began crying "Shifty STOP!!" Lumpy jumped in, but was pushed away by Shifty "No dude, he's right! This may count as Abuse!" Lifty said, Shifty just ignored while scratching me all over...'help'...

(Nutty's Pov)

I was woken up to the sound of my phone buzzing, I dizzily got up and started giggling. I grabbed my phone seeing I got a message saying 'H-Help...' and I almost didn't care, but I saw that it was from Y/n....no.....not her. I quickly texted and Called all my friends and they all agreed to help, the last one I called was Flippy....

Flippy: "H-Hello?"

Nutty: "Hehehehahahahah!!"

Flippy: "What The-! Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning!?"

Nutty: "F-F-Flippy!! Y/n is in DANGER!!"

Flippy: "Shoot...I'm heading to her house right now! Thanks for the reminder buddy!"

Nutty: "I'll come too!!"

And with that, the call ended. I then ran out of my house with a lollipop, well, two lollipops, in my hands. One for me, and the other for Y/n. The thought of giving Y/n Candy made me blush a bit, I think I had...feelings for her. I may love candy alot, and I once tried to marry Candy, but Y/n is an actual living person...I couldn't stop thinking about her H/c H/l hair, her beautiful E/c eyes, or her gorgeous soft S/c Skin. I mean, yeah shes almost alot shorter than me, but shes very pure hearted for a A/s like her! Don't worry Y/n! Help is on the way! Hehehehee!!

(Y/n's Pov)

Shifty was on top of me, laughing so much...it reminded me of Nutty, I started scream crying. I felt too much pain as he was scratching me here and there, I was bleeding all over, and I needed to be hospitalized...but no...I don't know if the message I sent, actually got sent to anyone due to Shifty snatching my phone earlier, I just want to sleep, I just...want to leave...


I just...want help...

"Hey! Shifty! Please!! This can owe us big time prison and Lumpy that dumb moose already ran off! Just...just let it go! Leave her be!" Lifty panicked on the verge of tears "Okay, Okay. I will....after one more huge scratch, then we'd let her be...or maybe two...three..." "STOP!!!" They argued a bit, until a shadowy figure jumped on Lifty. Then two other shadowy figures came inside where me and Shifty was, and one of them threw Shifty off of me, while the other picked me up and brought me out the back of the van. I looked up to see who was carrying me "N-Nutty!" I cheered in relief. He just giggled and started to jitter all over the place, with a very happy twitching tail. I looked at the figure that threw Shifty out of the Van, it was Russell "Arrrggg!! I will just pretend I made him walk the plank." He said with sparkles in his eyes. Then the figure who pounced on Lifty "Yeah! I flipped out for a sec, but I guess we could say I...gained more control over him! Hehehehe!" Flippy said, dusting himself off "Y/N!!" Cuddles, Giggles, Petunia, Flaky, and Lammy said in unison. They came up to me, some crying, some calling the hospital. I saw Pop watching Cub kick Shifty over and over, though it wasn't effecting him much, due to Cub having Cute itsy bitsy legs. Awwwe! The Mole, Disco Bear, Sniffles, and Splendid came cheering! And Lumpy came back, but as a police this time, and arrested Shifty and Lifty. Of course it was late at night, but we didn't disturb anyone, because this is the whole town right here! "I-I can't believe the whole town c-cares for me..." I said crying happy tears "Come on man, of Course we care for ya! Your new here and we'd welcome anyone will kind and happy hearts!" Disco Bear said sweetly, he then hit me with a romantic wink, blankly flirting with me. I gave a nervous smile, but Nutty notice his action and proceeded to Growl at him, Disco Bear put his hands up in defeat. Nutty then tried to walk off with me still in his arms, but an Animal that looked like he was from the Dinosaur Ages stood in front of us, his name was Cro Marmot. (I decided that he wont be inside of a huge Ice Cube and will be walking around like everyone else ^w^) He gave us a friendly wave "Hi!" I said sweetly. The ambulance then drove up and parked. Handy came out with all of us wondering how in the HECK, Did he drive here? We then saw another person come out, Mime. Handy and Mime walked to me and Nutty...he didn't want me to go. Nutty backed away pulling me close to him and twitched more "No! No! No! Don't take her Away!" He said becoming more jittery "But Nutty, we need to take her to the hospital to heal her! You want her to be okay, don't you?" Handy looked concerned, but then Nutty looked at me, then back at Handy, then me again. I nodded as a sign that I'd be okay, he then handed me to Mime and I was put in the back of the ambulance. I wave to Nutty goodbye, and he waved back sadly. Awwwwwe, poor thing! He didn't want me to go, my heart was so touched from how much he wanted me to be with him. The doors soon shut...

'And the hospital is the next destination...'

A/N: For real guys, I sure do love Nutty! 😭 The way he jitters and twitches is so cute! Especially when I read the wiki on him, it said, he giggles more than he talks, OMGGGGGGG!!!! 😭💗 But I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! It's really fun to write! And hopefully this is interesting enough for you all! Stay Tuned to see what happens next!

"In The Name Of CANDY!!" ~Nutty x Fem Reader~Where stories live. Discover now