A/N: These songs do not belong to me, obviously
Two months had passed since Ransom had been taken to prison. Life had changed for Marta and Jennifer. There was no going back to their original lives.
Jennifer had hired some people to help with the Blood Like Wine publishing company that Harlan had left her in his will, and had even used it to publish some of her own books. One of them had become particularly popular among her generation: She Wolf. It was about a fierce, passionate bond between a werewolf and her human lover and was her boyfriend, Jacob Thrombey's favourite.
They had decided to take their relationship slow, meeting up for coffee dates and cinema trips, but not much else. Not that Jenny wanted much else. No. Absolutely not, they were far too young. She thought that, but her mind had been beyond purity before she'd even met the Thrombeys: it had been corrupted before she'd turned thirteen. There was really nothing she could do about it.
Anyway, Jacob had supported her decision to start song writing: it would be good advertising for her books. He had been very long-suffering and patient when she rang him up at one in the morning with an idea for a song, and had listened to all the unfinished and finished tunes that she had created.
"Hi, everyone," Jenny greeted her followers in her TikTok video one day. "So, I recently wrote a song based on my novel She Wolf. If you like yandere love interests, you'll probably like the book. And maybe this song as well."
She took a deep breath and felt her fingers start to move over the strings of her guitar, forming the chords for her song.
"If you could only see the beast you made of me. I held it in, but now it seems you've set it running free. Screaming in the dark. I howl when we're apart," she began to sing. "Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart. My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in. You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl. My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in. You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl. Howl."
She gave it her all, knowing that if she wanted success, then she would have to earn it. She would have to grab their attention and never let it go. And she wanted it more than anything. She deserved it, after what she'd been through with the Ransom business.
"Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers," she continued, thinking of her relationship with Jacob. "Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters."
She finished her song, for once grateful that TikTok had added a three minute video option. Still, she would have to split it into two parts: the song ran a little over the limit.
"Thank you for listening, I'll post another video in a couple of days." She reached forward to stop the video, quickly sending it off to Jacob after it had stopped recording.
"Hey Jen," she turned to see Marta standing in the doorway of her room. "Do you want some tea?"
"Sure," she replied, getting to her feet and falling in beside her sister as they made their way to the kitchen. "So....can everyone come tomorrow?"
"Linda and Richard are still in the middle of getting divorced, so no," Marta responded. "Joni, Walt and Donna are coming though. And so is Meg." Jenny curled her lip at the sound of Meg's name, and turned to make the tea.

I'd Lie (Jacob Thrombey, Knives Out)
Mystery / ThrillerJennifer Cabrera, Marta's younger sister, loves to write. She helps her sister in looking after Harlan Thrombey by reading him her stories while Marta takes care of his medicines. She is quiet and reserved (being quite sensitive to noise), but she i...