Chapter Two-The Game Begins....

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Jennifer looked even more nervous when the question was asked. What did she think of the Thrombeys? Could she really be honest?

"Do you really want to hear my opinion?" she asked quietly. Jacob noticed her discomfort and squeezed her hand to remind her that he was still there for her.

"If you'd be so kind." Blanc responded. Well, if she was honest, then it might help her sister somehow. She sighed; if she could learn to play the game of social survival, as well as just quiet blackmail, then maybe she would know how her choices would affect it.

"Honestly? I don't like them," she began hesitantly. "When Marta and I arrived here, we came face to face with two people who both lied to our faces. Linda and Meg. The former told us that she thought we should have been at Harlan's funeral, and that she was outvoted. I'm certain that any of them could have told us that; it doesn't mean that they actually mean it. Meg told us that we were a part of the family. She made it clear that she meant the exact opposite at the party. Personally, I don't trust any of them. They're all liars, for one thing. Two-faced, for another. They're all nice to me when Marta's there and nice to her face. But I've heard the things they say behind her back. When I tried to stop it, they turned on me. They're just genuinely horrible people. All of them are only out for their own good, to get a share of Harlan's will. But in the end, I don't think any of them would actually kill anyone. Still, the only people I trust in this house are Marta and Jacob."

"Without you, I'm literally nothing. I'm just like them without your influence. So I don't see how you can trust me." Jacob replied gently.

"Snowflake," Jennifer responded fondly.

It was part of a political insult that Jacob often used to describe his family; Jennifer had adapted it into a term of affection for when he grew soft on her. Surprisingly, he actually quite liked it. 

"I know you're not perfect. Everyone wants something in life. You just happen to want money. But you're the only Thrombey alive who knows what the term 'loyalty' means, and I respect that." She turned to Blanc. "I trust Jacob implicitly. He's never been anything but kind to me and Marta, and it's clearly genuine. His family brings out the worst in him, that's all. And he can't stand up for us, or he'll be ridiculed too."

"What do you think of Ransom, then?" Jacob's hold on Jennifer's hand tightened.

"He's horrible to everyone," she answered carefully.

"But especially to Jen," Jacob added. "Meg is mean to her because she knows she can get away with it. Jen doesn't like to complain, so she wouldn't say a word about it. Ransom is cruel anyway, but especially to people he considers as weaker than him." Blanc smiled sadly; it seemed as if Jennifer was destined to be a victim.

"Your patience is admirable," he told the girl. "But you do know that, sometimes, you have to stand up for yourself." The writer smiled softly.

"I know," she replied calmly. "But it's better than Marta or Jake getting ridiculed." The detective opened his mouth to argue, but she stopped him with a grave stare. "I can deal with them, detective. Believe me, when I say that I am no pushover." Blanc hesitated, then nodded thoughtfully. There could easily be a little fire in her, he could see that. A wicked glint flared into life in her bright grey eyes, but she hid it with a sweet little smile; this was her, no question about it. But, especially when it came to the Thrombeys, she deliberately hid her fire so that they would underestimate her, so that they would never even dream that she knew their secrets. But she didn't care for their approval; not anymore. When her eyes had filled with tears at the party, after Meg had pushed her hands into the glass and insulted her, that was an act.

She was out for her sister, Jacob and herself. Exclusively in that order.

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