Joe and Obama

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Joe planned to meet with Obama at his favorite place Starbucks "hey Joe sorry I'm late!" said Obama sitting down in the same table as Joe "it's fine" said Joe looking down to his feet "whats wrong Joe?" said Obama confused "oh it's nothing" "are you su-" right before Obama could finish his sentence the Starbucks employe said joes and Obama's order "I'll get it" said Joe getting up from the table Obama looked at his phone texting his wife Joe came back with a pink drink and a caramel crunch drink thing Joe placed the pink drink in front of Obama and the caramel crunch drink in front of him Obama looked up from his phone and put it away Joe sat down in his seat "so um do you think you're going to win the debate?" "I'm not sure I hope that I will" said joe Nervously "yeah me too" said Obama drinking his pink drink "how's you're wife?" "oh she's been doing good" "oh that's good to hear actually me and my wife went to dinner last night" "what did you eat?" asked Obama "oh just some spaghetti and meatballs" answered Joe Joe started to think about Donald Trump

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