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Joe walked into Trump's room he saw that Trump was listening to his deppresion playlist on Spotify Joe tried to wake Trump up Trump slowly opened his eyes to see that Joe was in front him Joe hugged Trump and he hugged back "why we're you listening to you're deppresion playlist on Spotify?" asked Joe "it's because you lied to me that we were going to hangout all weekend!" said Trump getting up "it's not my fault it was unexpected!" said Joe "sure it was" said Trump sarcastically Joe clenched his hands like Donald Trump's booty cheeks "I'm leaving!" said Trump storming out the door "fine!" said Joe "at least I don't fake having a big ass!" said Trump Joe froze and stood there in silence Trump was outside he looked back and then ran away crying then hopped onto his Dora Bike and went home Joe sat on his bed and started to cry he couldn't believe what Trump just said to him Joe went to his long mirror and looked at his booty he saw that it big but he knew it was just implants Joe whipped away his tears and knew he had to win the election even if it ruined his relationship Donald Trump took out his phone and opened the app store and downloaded an app

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