The debate

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Donald Trump and Joe Biden were live fighting on who should be voted after the debate Joe and Donald went to the white house Joe Biden held his hand Donald Trump started to blush Joe gently grabbed his face to face towards him Joe saw the sparks in Trump's eyes then Joe got closer and kissed him gently they both closed their eyes and started to make out right before Joe was about to put his hand on Donald Trump's hip a knock was on the door they both stopped making out too see who was at the door "Joe what are you doing here I thought we were going to dinner" said joes wife "yeah I was just doing something" said Joe Donald whispered in joes ear "you told me you didn't have anything planned" "umm well let's go" said Joe walking away with his wife Donald stood there holding back tears after Joe left Donald took out his phone and started to play his deppresion playlist on Spotify when washing machine heart by mitski started playing Donald had a tear falling down his cheek and falling to the floor he started to imagine the life he would have with Joe if he didn't have a wife Donald layed on his bed and closed his eyes and cried himself to sleep

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