Swipe right swipe left

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Trump was laying on his bed looking at his phone swiping right and left with no matches Trump was starting to loose hope but then finally he matched with a cute guy Trump was thinking *is he the one? * Trump texted him "hello" it said that he was typing he typed "hi" Trump's tummy was fluttering and Trump's texted back "so what are you doing cutie?" he started to type "oh not much just here in bed with my guitar" Trump started to blush and texted back "oh wow you play guitar?" he texted "yes I do you might even hear my songs on the radio" Trump texted back "wow so you're famous?" he started to type "yeah I am" Trump texted "so have you thinking of meeting at McDonald's?" he started to text "sure maybe Monday 5pm?" Trump started to jump around exited "ok!" texted Trump he jumped onto his bed and put his phone on his nightstand he couldn't wait for the next day GRRR ARF ARF his tummy started to bark ARF ARF GRRR Trump went into his kitchen and took some rice and chicken out of the fridge he put in the microwave and put it too cook for 1 minute and while he was waiting he looked at his phone and then saw he had 10 missed messages and 5 missed calls from Joe Trump erased the notifications and put his phone on silent BEEP BEEP his food was ready so he went to go get it after he got his food he sat on his couch and turned on the Tv and started to eat

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