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It hurt Ava when Hanna left. Edward was pissed that Hanna left leaving his mate hurt. Ava was asleep as Edward laid beside her. Rosalie walked in and sighed. "I'm sorry that she's hurting and Hanna knows I'm pissed."

"She hurt her best friend. That's enough for me to want her dead."

"I'll handle my sister. You just focus on Ava."

Edward looked at his sleeping mate and sighed. Rosalie was right. She can handle her sister. He has a mate to focus on. Walking over to her, he moved her over a bit causing her to wake up and look at her. "Hi."


She laid her head on his chest. "I know that I shouldn't be upset, but I can't help it."

"I know, Flower, but you have me. I will never leave you like that."

Ava looked up at him smiling. "I love you, Edward."

"I love you, Flower."
Arriving at school, Ava saw Bella watching her family and met making her make a bold move. "What is she doing?" Rosalie asked causing Edward to see Ava.

"Oh no."

"Hi." She said. "I'm Ava Cullen. You're Bella Swan?"

"Yeah." She said.

"I'm sorry for how Hanna acted yesterday. What she did was rude and she should have never done that." She said as Edward slowly made his way to her.

"Thank you, but I think the apology will be better coming from Hanna."

"True." Ava said smiling. "I think I'm in trouble. I'll talk to you later, Bella." Edward stopped as Ava walked over to him. "I did the right thing. Not make her suspicious of us. Hanna, well that's her fault."

"You talked to her like a normal human being, but we said..."

"I know what was said, but if you can't accept that I may have made the right choice, then I'll sit somewhere's else." She said walking away.

Edward sighed as Emmett and Jasper looked at him. "Man, I think that hurt her more than Hanna leaving." Emmett said.

"I'll make it up to her."
Ava wasn't at school after lunch. Edward hasn't seen her none and he felt so bad for what happened at lunch. Bella saw him and walked over to him. "I don't know what was said, but I can tell you love her." She said. "Maybe tell her how you feel and apologize."

"Thank you." He said walking away.

Alice walked over to him and sighed. "I can't see her. Wherever she is, she doesn't want to be found." She said. "Emmett is right. You hurt her more than Hanna leaving and now we don't know where she's at."

Edward punched the locker beside him causing everyone to look at him as he walked away. He walked out of the school and searched the school yard and no Ava. "Baby, where are you?"
At the lake, Ava sat wiping her tears. She looked at the picture on her phone of her and Edward. Their first disagreement. Something she never thought would happen. "Flower?" She heard and turned around to see Edward walking into the opening. "There you are.'

She looked away causing him to sigh. "I never thought that we would have a disagreement." She said. "All I was doing was trying to get her to think of something else. Not focus on us because of Hanna's mistake. I had it all under control."

"I know and she told me that she could tell that I love you and I do." He tells her taking a spot beside her. "I'm so sorry, Flower. I should have let you talk to her. I hurt you more than anyone has ever hurt you and I'm sorry for hurting you."

Ava looked beside her smiling. "I love you, Edward." She tells him. "Thank you for telling me that."

Edward smiled as he leaned over and kissed her. Ava smiled as they pulled back and shared a look. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Ava looked at the lake and back at Edward who smirked. Standing up, she started taking her clothes off causing Edward to follow her lead. Edward picked Ava up and tossed her in the water. "Edward!"

Edward laughed as he joined her. Ava smiled as they shared another kiss.
"She's safe." Alice tells them. "May be awhile before her and Edward comes back."

"As long as she's safe and she did the right thing." Carlisle said. "She did try to distract Bella. Next time, let Ava take control of the situations."

They all nodded as they went hunting. Carlisle shook his head as Esme kissed him. "She's a smart girl."

"That she is."

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