four | accidents happen

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ACT I, part i, chapter four :accidents happen

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ACT I, part i, chapter four :
accidents happen

: ̗̀➛

11:05 PM. APRIL 11th, 2014.


FOR the past nine hours, Valentina had been driving a stolen vehicle from Belarus to Moscow with a few bathroom breaks. She used Nadezhda's money for gas and some new clothes. The remaining money she would use to get a new ID and a passport. Where she was going to get those items, she had no clue but she would figure it out.

As the radio played a pop song she had never heard, the woman began to think about what she would do once she found out who her parents were.

Were they silenced? Killed? Or worse, they just didn't care. They were happy giving away their little girl to an organization that trained and brutalized young girls into becoming skilled assassins. No matter how hard she tried, Valentina couldn't remember a life before the Red Room which meant their brainwashing techniques were very effective or maybe she really was just a newborn coming to that place. Or both.

It was late into the night but she knew she had to be at most an hour and a half away from the main parts of Moscow. Nearing a gas station on the side of the road, she thought it would be a good idea to fill up the car with a few more liters. Better safe than sorry. Pulling into the station, she parked at the closest pump.

Getting out of her car, she walked into the small store to pay for the gas. She handed the cashier two 100 rubles. "Pyat' ... pozhaluysta." Five...please.

"Tebe khorosho idti." You're good to go. The man said giving Valentina a small smile.

"Spasibo." Thanks.

Walking out of the store, she got back to her car and began filling up the tank. The smell of gas was not a pleasant one for her nose but she could deal with it. There were more unpleasant smells out there. Finished filling up, she twisted on the gas cap and closed the fuel door.

She got back into the car, but she reached over to the passenger seat before turning on the engine to get the map she got back at Belarus.

It looked like there would be a lot more land to drive through before reaching any actual city, which was fine, but it made her feel more vulnerable, especially at night.

Finally turning on the ignition, she made her way out of the gas station and back onto the road. More music she didn't know continued to play on the radio. About a half-hour later, the stereo started to produce static amidst the songs. It started to get annoying so Valentina just turned it all off.

That was enough annoying Western music for the day.

The Red Room used Western media as brainwashing techniques so she could go without seeing or hearing any of it again, regardless if it contained subliminal messaging. Unlike others, she can only see kids' cartoons and Disney movies as weapons to strip away your humanity. In fact, after her time at the academy, she's learned that anything can be used as a weapon...even your heart.

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