eight | revelations

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ACT I, part i, chapter eight :revelations

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ACT I, part i, chapter eight :

: ̗̀➛

3:01 AM. APRIL 26th, 2014.


VALENTINA had to walk a few miles out from Vadik's house before calling a taxi. She was starting to feel the chill of the cold, Moscow night air and her clothes weren't helping at all. More than a few men had whistled and made uncomfortable remarks as she walked down the sidewalks of the city. She just had to ignore them.

Now in a taxi that had mediocre heating, she stared out the window, reflecting on what she had done at Vadik's house. She noticed small specks of blood near her hairline that she couldn't get out in his bathroom. Nothing that noticeable. She couldn't help but feel guilt. Not for the H.Y.D.R.A. bastard, of course. But for her sisters. The ones who suffered because of people like him. She could have ended his life at that table. Break his neck. Bash his skull in. Slit his throat. Anything. But she couldn't. And she couldn't figure out why.

Killing was like brushing her teeth. Over time, it became mundane. Natural, even. Sometimes, it felt like it was what she was born to do. Some people were born to create, be leaders, teach others, and do other honorable things. Her sole purpose in life was to take other peoples' lives. But it's never been her choice.

Tonight. It was her choice. She had a choice to murder Vadik or to just leave with what she came for. As much it would have felt good to see the life leave his eyes, it felt even better to have so much power over one of her abusers. To see him whine and beg like a dog for her to stop. As sick as it may sound, it felt good.

As the taxi came to a stop, she reached for the inside pocket of her jacket and pulled out about 500 rubles, handing it to the driver. She didn't care for small talk.


So the money would have to suffice.

Val had him stop at a supermarket near her and Rick's place. She didn't need anyone or anything tracing back to her actual whereabouts. Waiting for the car to disappear into the night, she began walking to the house. She instinctively hugged herself, feeling the cold air nip at her skin. She would heat up soon enough.

As she neared the front door, she felt her face heating up from the increasing anger that was growing inside of her. She couldn't believe she had trusted (at least somewhat) someone who would help a H.Y.D.R.A. agent.

Standing at the door, she vigorously knocked on it. Before her third knock, she heard Rick unlocking it and then opening it. Valentina practically shoved him out of the way as she made her way inside. Getting the wad of cash out from the inside of her jacket, she threw it to the ground.

"There's your damn money. I'm done.", She huffed.

Barely even done locking the door, Rick turned his head, shaking it, "What?"

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