Bonus Chapter 4

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Bonus Chapter 4

***Lexi's POV***

---3 Years Previously---

"Brooke what the fuck was that? Answer the fucking phone."

Throwing my phone across my room, I wait for the smash but am distracted by a small tapping on the window.

"Lex, please let me in. We need to talk?"

Looking through the window confused, I spot Aiden holding a bouquet of white daisies.

Opening then window slightly, I lean over it, yelling out to him.

"What do you want Aiden?"

"You Lex. I want you."

Steeping away from the window, I pace around my room trying to work out what he was planning. Walking back over to him I find Aiden still standing out on the grass where he was before.

"What do you mean you want me? I've given you that chance so many times Aiden. Why now?"

"Because I was scared Lex. I didn't know what the fuck I was feeling. And even with how shit I've treated you or used you, you've stuck by me always seeing who, I really am behind the football and fake smile."

"Aiden It's too late. Your sister is having a hard enough time right now. Why the fuck would I do this to her now. You saw her yesterday at the game did you not? She is fucking broken."

Throwing his hands in the arm he throws the flowers to the ground, pissed off.

"Not everything is about her Lex. My whole life it has been me looking after her, and keeping her from making these mistakes and what for? Just as I think she's mature enough to handle herself she does exactly what I've been saving her from."

"You weren't saving her Aiden. She was in an emotionally manipulating relationship with someone who had and still has zero respect for her. She was depressed and hiding it behind a fake smile, even tricking herself into believing it. You didn't help her. No one could but her."

"I could have."

"Get the fuck up here Aiden, before I regret it."

Nodding his head, he climbs up the wall along the gutter pulling himself through the window.

Placing my hands by his side, I grab his wrists pulling him closer to me.

"You couldn't have stopped it Aiden."

Placing his hand on my cheek, my hand follows gliding my fingers over his.

"Please Lex can we talk? I need you."

Nodding my head, I find myself losing control in front of him forcing myself to take deep breaths regaining myself.

"How do you know that this is a smart Idea Aiden? We've tried this before and it didn't turn out well. I think we lost what we had Aiden and honestly I don't know if we will ever have it again."

"Let me try Lex. Please? I need you by my side."

Shaking my head, I watch as his body tenses in front of mine.

"If we try this I have some rules. 1) No one else can know until we work out what this is. Especially Clarisa. 2) We can't just ignore each other in school, if you're in on this you have to be fully committed. and 3) If you fuck me over I will chop your dick off your body and shove it down your throat. Do you understand?"

"Anything Lex. Give me a chance."


Pulling my lips onto his I watch him freeze before me.

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